Fissure Armor
Im a warrior... So far, I know that I need:
400 iron ingots
40 scales
120 ectoplasm get my final armor upgrade...
From the screenshot I saw I also need 120 more of another componet...Im not exactly sure what it is. I was told I needed obsidian shards, but from the looks of buying one today, it's completely different then what the last componet looks like. Anyone with this armor know for sure what the last componet is? thanks
400 iron ingots
40 scales
120 ectoplasm get my final armor upgrade...
From the screenshot I saw I also need 120 more of another componet...Im not exactly sure what it is. I was told I needed obsidian shards, but from the looks of buying one today, it's completely different then what the last componet looks like. Anyone with this armor know for sure what the last componet is? thanks
obsidian shards... quite sure they are...
yes, i ahev noticed the same thing, obsidian shards do not look like the things in the pic, maybe arena changed them in the patch or something, im not sure.
Obsidian shards is the last component. One of my guildies bought the helm from fissure the other day. My what a nice can also bring fur/hides for some of the other armor rather than scales.
I heard about fissure being the only place that carries armor, but i heard that UnderWorld carries set of Armors too. Called The |Eternal Armor|. I am really confused cuz i have seen the fissure, but not the Underworld. so i am thinking of saving the items and money for Underworld just to be sure if there is armor at Underworld i would love to find it. so everybody tell me what you think

The name of the crafter in the Fissure of Woe is the "Eternal Armorer" and he works in the "Eternal Forge".
If there is a crafter in the underworld I have yet to find him, and I've searched most every nook and cranny I can think of.
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If there is a crafter in the underworld I have yet to find him, and I've searched most every nook and cranny I can think of.
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Is there a pic of these armors, and if not can anyone describe them?
Originally Posted by Rogmar
Is there a pic of these armors, and if not can anyone describe them?
On that note someone should append this thread to one of the other dozen or so devoted to fissure armor. :P
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Mister Glue
Originally Posted by Rogmar
Is there a pic of these armors, and if not can anyone describe them?
i am not sure wether i should go for the Fissure armor or wait till i am certainly sure about a armor being in Underworld...."Phaedrus" did you complete all the quest in UnderWorld ???
this is how obsidian shards look now..dunno bout how they looked before.
UW has plate armor..from what im told u need 50 ectos and 30 shards per whatever else it needs..also told need a monument or something like that..well the npc then u need to do 3-4 quests or something like that
So i have to beat the monument quest to unlock the Armor dude for Underworld, am i correct?
Silver Spectre
woo slow down, I have the 15k drakescale ranger armor, your not telling me there is better armor are you?
Not better armor, better looking (up to your judgement) armor. Generally, most people think the Fissure armor looks better than the 15k at droknars, etc.
Silver Spectre
Lol i've posted a topic, but where the hell is this fissure place? i NEED to go there, stuff spending 15k on armor that looks better than the 1.5k when there is better looking AGAIN fissure armor out there.
i got fissure i am hunting down UnderWorld Armor crafter ( Supposesly there is one (if there is fissure...then why is there no underworld)Underworld armor crafter must craft better things PST me in game and we can set up a party to find UW armor crafter if you down "Kratos The Obelix"
Do these armors have better stats or do they just look cool?
they look cooler
Way cooler

the Fissure armor for Warrior is the best armor i ever seen, really... it's AMAZING
check this out (found on another forum, necro female and war male)
check this out (found on another forum, necro female and war male)
Originally Posted by KainShadow
the Fissure armor for Warrior is the best armor i ever seen, really... it's AMAZING
check this out (found on another forum, necro female and war male) |
but erm what exactly is the difference between all 15k armors (droknar,citadel,fissure) ?
C'mon answer is there an armor crafter in UnderWorld? Cuz i got enough money, i dont wanna rush and buy fissure armor and then find out there is UW armor.
exa dust
Originally Posted by Zeroo
holy ... that is realy AMAZING
but erm what exactly is the difference between all 15k armors (droknar,citadel,fissure) ? |
nothing at all for the umptinth time, read the rest of the posts, they are the same, the 15k and fissure armor are just for looks