We're not going to turn this into a "Why do Rangers always get picked last?" thread.
A couple of points though:
-A pet gives you the chance to up your damage at the cost of many skill slots. You will increase your overall damage (not to 200% though), but you'll probably have to sacrifice using your secondary profession to do so.
That's your choice. Most people are obsessed with finding out how much damage they can do on each individual character rather than trying to figure out how they can be most effective in a team. Most people are also pretty bad at this stage in the game.
-Don't believe people when they post ridiculous numbers to back ridiculous statements. If you don't believe them, look through the info yourself.
At one point rangers were better than elementalist at spike damage, and with high expertise they could sustain their DPS at peak levels indefinitely. Thankfully, things have changed since then. Damage on ranger attacks was lowered for rangers across the board and elementalists got a bit of much-needed love.
-Zeru hit on a lot of good points about why rangers are valuable.
The best way to use a ranger is to make every attack a skill attack, and expertise is the only way to do that.
No other class can keep up a nonstop chain of skill after skill under normal circumstances. (A necro with high soul reaping could in certain conditions, or a BIPed caster, but those are not normal circumstances).
Rangers will not outdps buffed warriors conventially. The difference is that many skills have an inherent anti-warrior bias, while relatively few have anti-Ranger bias. Things like wards, guardian, blind, enfeeble, shadow of fear, etc, are going to be thrown on warriors very often but rarely on rangers, partly because people think ranger dps is terrible. Considering the only real anti-ranger skill is spirit shackles and is not very popular, Rangers can outdamage warriors when all this is factored in.
I disagree with what you said here, however. Those counters are not inherently anti-warrior- the only one in that group that is a counter to warriors is Ward Against Melee. All the rest can be used against rangers just as effectively as warriors, the only reason you might not see that happening is bias.
Ward Against Melee is a ridiculously great spell though, and there aren't enough good reasons not to have it on your team.
Warriors have a better rep in the Arena so people bring more hate with warriors in mind. There's more anti-ranger hate out there, but the people playing rangers (and there are a lot of them) aren't making themselves dangerous enough. Once they do, the paradigm will shift and people will start planning for teams that run more rangers.