WTB Monk Item With Lots Of Energy


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Saginaw, Michigan

Delta Formation [DF]


+8 Energy (Req. 6 Divine)
+15 Energy
+30 Health
-1 Regen

I need to find something with LOTS of energy like that^, but without the -1 Regen.

Money isn't much of an issue so post good ones.

IGN: Master Ackmed or Ackmed Jones


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

best you can go without the energey degen is +12 the extra +energy mod comes with the -1 energy regen mod. at least i'm almost positive that's the way it works.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

wow i have that item



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

UK, or is it? *confused*


the best you can get for your offers are

+12 to Energy (Req: 7* Divine Favor)
+15 to Energy
+30 to Health
Energy Degen of 1 (-1 Energy Regeneration)

*8 if it isn't findable

I don't have that item as of yet, but I hope this helps with your findings!