WTB Rare Golden UnIDed Staffs


Flame Bait

Join Date: Mar 2005



Paying 15k For Max(11-22 +10 Energy) Unidentifed Holy Staff with 8 or lower DF Requirements

Paying 10k For Any other UnIded Golden Max (11-22) staffs with +10 Energy

Paying 8k for Rare Unided Near Max Staffs (11-21 10-20 etc etc) with at least +10 energy

Paying 7k for Rare Unided Near Max Staffs (11-21 10-20 etc etc) with at least +9 energy

Paying 5k for Unided Rare Raven/dead/Bone/Shadow Staffs or any other type of low damage no requirement staffs found late game with +9 or +10 energy

Paying 4k for Rare Golden Unided normal staffs with +7-+8 energy

prices are non negotiable and more than generous but if something isnt covered im willing to be flexible

ALL Staffs must be Unidentifed and Rare Golden Staffs

Also Will give an 10k Bonus to anyone who Sells me an staff in which I Unlock one of the following Upgrades

+30 Hale head
+30 Fortitude wrap
+5 Insightful head
+20% enchantment Wrap

I Will Id the staffs in front of you and show you the staff after I ID it

The 10k Bonus Only applies to the First staff that Unlocks each upgrade If two people Bring me two +5 Insightful staff only the first Person gets Bonus.

If by some chance a staff Unlocks 2 of the upgrades they will get 20k bonus 10k for each upgrade

Will Update post when I Unlock each upgrade

IGN: Divine Mage