I was out yesterday trying to do the quests to change my old secondary proffesion from monk to something else.....my little guy was a level 20 W/Mo
well anyway i was looking at my attribute window and i removed all my skill points from healing and placed them into tactics.....i was going to remove strenth and move them elsewhere but then noticed i only had 2 points remaining on my attribute refund counter....boy was i annoyed, how was i going to be able to heal myself and last in combat?....hmm the answer was all in TACTICS! yes tactics....the bar i placed my points in for no apparent reason...or just one i dont remember.......but ya..continuing now i reset my hot keys to hold thte 8 moves that would thank god hopefully keep my chunky warrior butt alive and they were
Sever Artery
Final Thrust
Endure Pain
Watch Yourself
Healing Signet
Shield Stance
Shield Bash
to my great surprise the setup actually worked i was
10 in swords
11 in tactics
10 in strenth
with the skill setup i was not penalized for healing myself with the signet because i could spam
Watch Yourself!
Shield Stance
also i could throw up endure pain very fast and continuosly heal myself for 122 without using energy which was a plus and having shield stance really really helped, 17 seconds of not being able to be touched is HUGE!
just goes to show you really dont need secondary professions all the time if you know what you are doing
and later that day i changed from Monk to Ranger lol
but ya....im done with how my day went yesterday lol
100% Warrior, do i have to do the 2ndary proffession quest pre-searing?
Van the Warrior
Ba Ne
I think you have to have a secondary profession before Sir Tydus will let you into the Academy.
I did something similar to you. I realized I didn't use my monk skills all that much and then I found a nice shield. I decided to remove the points from Protection Prayers and put them into Tactics instead.
So far I like it, but who knows about the future. I flip-flopped between Smiting and Protection prayers quite a number of times prior so I may end up changing it again...
I did something similar to you. I realized I didn't use my monk skills all that much and then I found a nice shield. I decided to remove the points from Protection Prayers and put them into Tactics instead.
So far I like it, but who knows about the future. I flip-flopped between Smiting and Protection prayers quite a number of times prior so I may end up changing it again...
Tetris L
You don't have to pick a secondary profession at all in the game, neither pre nor post searing.
But ... there is no real reason not to pick one. If you don't wanna use it, let it "hibernate". Simply don't spend any attribute points on the secondary profession attributes and leave the skills unequipped.
Now, if you pick a secondary profession you should really do this pre-searing, because otherwise you miss all skills given as quest rewards in pre-searing. And those skills are VERY easy and quick to obtain.
But ... there is no real reason not to pick one. If you don't wanna use it, let it "hibernate". Simply don't spend any attribute points on the secondary profession attributes and leave the skills unequipped.
Now, if you pick a secondary profession you should really do this pre-searing, because otherwise you miss all skills given as quest rewards in pre-searing. And those skills are VERY easy and quick to obtain.
Keira Darkwind
Now I'm curious,
What happens if you don't pick a 2nd prof in presearing? Can you actually do it in post?
What happens if you don't pick a 2nd prof in presearing? Can you actually do it in post?
Originally Posted by Tetris L
You don't have to pick a secondary profession at all in the game, neither pre nor post searing.
a secondary profession is required to leave presearing
I just tested it to make sure
- my warrior has no 2nd profession and Tydus won't let me leave
Even if you don't plan on using it for your build, get a secondary. It will allow you to buy skills to unlock them for your PvP characters. In any case, I think it's a requirement.
You do have to pick a secondary profession. Personally, I don't understand why you wouldn't want to? There isn't one single disadvantage to picking a secondary profession which I can think of, yet there is a large number of disadvantages to not picking one.
You get to unlock the skills of another profession with out playing through the game another time. You don't have to use these skills, so why not pick the second profesion?
You get to unlock the skills of another profession with out playing through the game another time. You don't have to use these skills, so why not pick the second profesion?
Van the Warrior
lol i was only saying how my day went yesterday