I couldn't find it on the forum, and on the chat log in the game no one answers on my question.
In beacons Perch you can buy dwarven ale at the merchant. Ive tried it and double clicked it but nothing happens. What is the purpose of dwarven ale? What does it do?
greetz, Wiccy
What does dwarven ale do?
similar to real life
makes you see things, makes you run crazy, makes you think those little dwarfs chicks are hot...
makes you see things, makes you run crazy, makes you think those little dwarfs chicks are hot...
I know in World of Warcraft that alcohol will not only get you drunk, but it will also make you see mobs at lower levels (i.e. easier to kill) I am not sure if this is the case here, but I wouldn't be surprised if Dwarven Ale made you drunk and also reduced the difficulty with mobs.
Heh, I wouldn't think it should actually lower the levels (difficulty), just lower the level you THINK they are, like giving you "beer muscles".
In WOW it actually lowered the lvl's of the mobs... But again, I am only speculating as to what it really does in the game.
awesome, thats great...i bet he really needed to know how alcohol worked in WoW when hes posting on a GW site
n1 guys
n1 guys
Umm... learn how to read... I was speculating on what ale does in GW based on the initial question. Since you don't have anything to contribute in terms of an idea as to what the dwarven ale really does... why don't you log off your PC, take a shower, change your socks and perhaps get a tan?
Originally Posted by rambis
In WOW it actually lowered the lvl's of the mobs... But again, I am only speculating as to what it really does in the game.
And whats that got to do with GW?
Ale makes your character drunk, it doesnt affect anything really, its a novelty item.
Originally Posted by rambis
Umm... learn how to read... I was speculating on what ale does in GW based on the initial question. Since you don't have anything to contribute in terms of an idea as to what the dwarven ale really does... why don't you log off your PC, take a shower, change your socks and perhaps get a tan?
one day when you can save up 200g in the game...maybe you can buy some too and find out
its a novelty money sink and thats it
hf w/WoW, oh and already took a shower 'cause needed to go to work today...isnt that amazing...i have a job!
And whats that got to do with GW?
It has to do with GW because the originator of this thread wanted to know what it did. and in an EFFORT to try and be nice and helpful, I posted what it did in WoW and suggested that maybe it did something similar here.
It has to do with GW because the originator of this thread wanted to know what it did. and in an EFFORT to try and be nice and helpful, I posted what it did in WoW and suggested that maybe it did something similar here.
Tetris L
Originally Posted by CtrlAltDel
makes you think those little dwarfs chicks are hot...