15 Attribute Points x2
I did a searchon here under "15 Attribute Points" and cant find any threads with the info on were to obtain these 2 misisons to get these extra points.. can someone point me in the right direction either by thread or post here the outpost and name of who i need to speak to to obtain these extra points
One of them starts in Destiny's Gorge and the other in Droknar's Forge. I forget the name of the quest givers though.
so both of them are post Ascension
One you can do before ascenion, I believe. Destiny's Gorge isn't after ascension. I COULD be wrong about the quest being available though. :-\
The first quest for Attribute Points is in DG and is available pre-ascension. I believe the quest was call Forgotten Lore, or Forgotten Knowledge. It's an easy quest. I completed it was a team of Henchmen
Originally Posted by Ninna