Cool Creeps
my favorite is the Charr! how more exciting can u get? they'r aggressive, & scare the sh** out of u! they growl, hav incendiary arrows that sound like a rocket hittin u in the jungles of vietnam. i wish they'd bring back Charr after ascension. make them lvl 25-30. or undead charr... a necro is makin undead charr, quest to find him & end his evils.
its so unfair the world has to battle to get into underworld/fisureWoe.
sometimes u hav to wait 6hrs for your region to win. some people are against PvP. they jus dont want to beat on another person cuz it creates bad feelings. some 1 has to lose. i got enuf of PvP in warcraft. i'm in guild wars to build my character, enjoy the stories & play with nice people. i dont want to be forced to play Player vs player!
do away with 2ndary classes. the game is too easy already. then monks wil realy be in demand. it doesnt make sense that a warrior/monk can tank, heal himself & raise dead people. i was tempted to not choose a 2nd class at all, but then most people wont invite me into their party.
it would be awesome if the max # of people in a party wer 6. then u hav 2 parties in one mission. the parties compete, only 1 party can finish the mission. parties start somewhat away fr each other, can fight each other...
it would make missions harder & more exciting!
let players create their own custom maps! like in warcraft. & play online with other people...