Hundred Blades
Erroneous Smacktard
Since the latest patch, with capture signet severely changed. How are you supposed to get hundred blades from (for the sake of not spoiling) the last boss? I admittedly haven't reached him yet, but there was definitely no Barrage from Markis, because as soon as he buys the proverbial farm it's mission over. Have the good people at NCSoft and ArenaNet realized this? Is it intentional that you cannot get hundred blades? (because there is an alternative to Markis for barrage.) If possible could someone help me out with this? Has anyone found an alternative to... the last boss?

Maybe the new areas will have an alternative. Keep your fingers crossed.
He's not quite the last boss, but after the cutscene you just use the capture signet over his body and get the skill. All the warriors in our party got it...
Erroneous Smacktard
ok, thanks. you know what they say about making assumptions

the Markis movie is unfortunate
you can get barrage 3 missions later from a named Wurm, Snyk The Hundred Tongue, at Abaddon's Mouth
you can get barrage 3 missions later from a named Wurm, Snyk The Hundred Tongue, at Abaddon's Mouth