It may just be me, but with instant patches it seems that Anet isn't giving enough thought to the ramifications of their weekly updates.
It's too hard to get runes. OK, now you PvE'ers have all the runes you want, of course those that you 'earn' don't mean as much!
I'm tired of aggro'ing low level mobs. OK, now you can walk through massive groups of devourers, gargoyles and bandits (pre-searing) without getting a second look (much less a battle).
Keep it up and not only won't there be any challenges left, but no rewards either.
Trying Too Hard
Are the gargoyles and devourers pre-searing? I thougt they always were non-aggro...
Originally Posted by StormWater
It's too hard to get runes. OK, now you PvE'ers have all the runes you want, of course those that you 'earn' don't mean as much! IMHO ! |

the pve crowd were happy to get them as they came

also they will START next update to fix the drops
Originally Posted by StormWater
I'm tired of aggro'ing low level mobs. OK, now you can walk through massive groups of devourers, gargoyles and bandits (pre-searing) without getting a second look (much less a battle).

Originally Posted by StormWater
I'm tired of aggro'ing low level mobs. OK, now you can walk through massive groups of devourers, gargoyles and bandits (pre-searing) without getting a second look (much less a battle).
Keep it up and not only won't there be any challenges left, but no rewards either. IMHO ! |
Me and a mate walked from Piken Square to Yaks Bend today. Me a lvl 10 Ranger/monk, my mate a Necro/mesmer lvl 11, my mate has played 3 days. We also had trusty alesia from piken as well as Stephen.
we made it to yaks bend in about 20 minutes with no deaths.
Eh? last time i tried it at lvl 10 I had -60% DP, we had a lvl 13 Elementalist, and 2 other lvl 10-11 players with us. all of us arrived at Yaks Bend with -60% having had to sprint since the hydras minced us.
Now im not denying my exceptional skills, but surely they havnt improved that much? I was thinking to myself as I went along 'this is well easy'.
Have made ALL mobs easier? Iv just not been seeing those ferocious tanking battles i used to in certain places.
It is not always a case of "" have made it easy. Its more a case of who you are with and what skills the group has.
Have played some missions and walked it, where as with a dirrerent group didn't make it past go. Mixed groups tend to do best, never ever discount the power of mesmers and necros, they may not look like they are doing much, but their hexes can turn the tide of many a battle.
IMHO if they have made it a little easier, it is no skin of my nose. Epic battles are good when there is a reward or a quests to be found, but when you are lvl 20 and on your way to earning you 13th skill point, epic battles with little reward are common place and they cease to be epic and can even become a bore. (at this point my advice is play a differenct game, then return to GW later otherwise you just start to get aggro with the game.
Play a new character etc. )
Have played some missions and walked it, where as with a dirrerent group didn't make it past go. Mixed groups tend to do best, never ever discount the power of mesmers and necros, they may not look like they are doing much, but their hexes can turn the tide of many a battle.
IMHO if they have made it a little easier, it is no skin of my nose. Epic battles are good when there is a reward or a quests to be found, but when you are lvl 20 and on your way to earning you 13th skill point, epic battles with little reward are common place and they cease to be epic and can even become a bore. (at this point my advice is play a differenct game, then return to GW later otherwise you just start to get aggro with the game.

Rewards only bug me when i fight a boss creature plus 5 or something guys around him and i end up getting some toe fungus crafting material out of the whole thing and 32 gold.
You beat a big mob...throw down some items that at least sell for a few bucks...
You beat a big mob...throw down some items that at least sell for a few bucks...