Originally Posted by Talesin Darkbriar
Everytime anyone posts a topic like this, there is always a hue and cry about "civil rights being violated, free speech being trampled, and the right to have sex with farm animals abused."
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If I don't let you paint the side of my house with messages I find offensive (or with any messages at all for that matter), I am not infringing on your right of free speech. If you're a guest on my property, I expect certain rules to be obeyed or you will no longer be welcome on my property.
This not only applies to my house, it applies to my computer. If I allow you access to my computing resources, I expect you won't do anything I disapprove of, or I will lock you out of my own property. You have no right at all to do anything with my property without my permission or against my wishes.
This same right, the right to control my own property, my own home, my own computers, etc, is a right not only posessed by me. Other people have this right too. Including owners of forums like this one, and including owners of online games like ArenaNet.
There are no free speech issues involved when it comes to filtering in game names, in game chat, forum posts, etc. Nada. Zero. Anyone who asserts otherwise is completely deluded about their status as a guest on someone else's private or corporate property.
You have no rights to use other people's property beyond what permission they have chosen to grant you. ArenaNet did not grant you the right to create offensively named characters on their computers, or otherwise violate the policies they've laid out for using their computers. (And who gets to decide what is or isn't offensive? They do, as is their right on their own property!) If you don't respect their wishes as to what you can or can't do on their computers, they're perfectly within their rights to deny you access to their computers.
"But I paid them money!" Yes, and like the owners of an amusement park you paid to get into, they can still kick you out if you violate the rules, and they don't have to refund your money, either, because if you violate the rules, you're the one who broke the contract, not them. Paying money doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want, you're still limited to doing only what the owner of the property approves of. If you can't abide by that, don't go on their property. They would appreciate it.
("*gasp* But then they don't get my money! Anything that drives customers away is bad for business!" False, and one of the biggest misconceptions a lot of customers seem to have, particularly bad ones. There are many cases where you can increase your profitability by turning away certain customers and their money. Believe me, in cases like this, most business really would appreciate it if you took your money elsewhere. Your money isn't worth as much as the money of all the other customers you're driving away.)
Do you think that it is necessary to try and get as many people banned from the game as you can??? |
Anything that reduces the number of downright rude, disrespectful, and ultimately dishonorable people who are wasting AN's resources, the better, and make no mistake, that's a perfectly accurate description of the people in question. They are guests who refuse to respect their host while taking advantage of the host's resources. Perhaps the real problem is, there aren't enough guests "trying to get people banned".
Reporting violations is a good idea. ArenaNet will appreciate it, and the community will appreciate it. The people who get banned won't appreciate it, but again, it's a case where ArenaNet is better off without certain people as customers. If they refuse to ever buy an ArenaNet product ever again, that'll actually be music to AN's ears. Future product launches will go much better that way. If AN could actually remove problem players from the pool entirely, they'd become the most popular and most successful game company in history. Alas, that's a rather Herculean task (indeed, "Quixotic" might be a better description of that goal).
But we can do what we can...