Ranger Q


Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Manchester. U.K

Can the ranger use swords daggers etc? or are they limeted to using the bow




Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2005

anyone can use any weapon, but they're not going to be very effective with them unless they've got a warrior primary or secondary.



Bokusatsu Tenshi

Join Date: Dec 2004

Bellevue, WA



I suppose it's also worth pointing out that there aren't any daggers in game either, though there are quite a few variations on swords.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Beguine Guild [BGN]

Originally Posted by Aladdar
anyone can use any weapon, but they're not going to be very effective with them unless they've got a warrior primary or secondary.
They also won't be very effective with them unless they pump the appropriate attribute. Merely having a warrior primary or secondary does not help in and of itself. (Which I'm sure Aladdar knew, just making that clear since he didn't.)

Sausaletus Rex

Sausaletus Rex

Death From Above

Join Date: Dec 2004

Yes, you won't be any good with any weapon without the requisite attributes. Melee and bow weapons have their damage scale up as you advance their attributes in addition to having attribute requirements while the wands and staves have attribute requirements but don't scale their damage according to the requisite attribute. Warriors are the only profession that has melee weapon attributes, namely Axe Mastery, Hammer Mastery, and Swordsmanship, so to be using an effective melee weapon you'll need to be a Warrior and raise the appropriate attribute. Of course, if you're playing as a Warrior and you're *not* raising a melee weapon attribute you're doing something odd (like a Mes/War I-Weaponeer who'll pump Illusions instead of a weapon attribute) or something ineffectual.

Rangers, however, are the only profession with an attribute for bows, namely Marksmanship. If you don't want to use a bow playing as a Ranger is similarly odd or ineffectual. I suppose there are some possibilities in using a pet (linked to Beastmastery, much like bows and melee weapons) or stances along with spells and rituals but that's getting a bit away from what a Ranger is best at and designed to do...



Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2005

I have a neat R/W with axe.


Distracting Blow
Disrupting Chop
Swift Chop
Executioner's Strike
Lightning Reflexes
Whirling Defense
Gladiator's Defense
Healing Signet

This character is quite teh pwnzors in Arena.

However you will find it hard to slot both bow and melee weapon on one character. Traps are really popular at the moment BTW.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Manchester. U.K

Cheers guys, was only wondering as ive not managed to play in any beta weekends yet, which brings me to my next Q , im in the U.K and need to get hold of a beta key but can only pre order from U.S websites, any ideas on how to get hold of a key in the U.K without having to wait for things to be shipped from the U.S?

Cheers all
