Most/Least Played Professions
Ilya Khan
I know that there was a thread posted very similar to this one but I would like to know which professions you think will most played/least played and WHY?
I already, sort of, understand why the Ranger is going to be the most played (probably because it is so versatile and some of the skills are tremendously powerful) and I could kind of see why people don't wanna be a monk (You want to sit around healing? Doesn't sound like much fun to me...)
But I want to know all of your reasons for choosing the class you want to be and why
And I would also love to know, in your opinion, which profession will have the most players/least players
I already, sort of, understand why the Ranger is going to be the most played (probably because it is so versatile and some of the skills are tremendously powerful) and I could kind of see why people don't wanna be a monk (You want to sit around healing? Doesn't sound like much fun to me...)
But I want to know all of your reasons for choosing the class you want to be and why
And I would also love to know, in your opinion, which profession will have the most players/least players
Most Played- A majority will be equal, but I'll have to say Warrior on a Slight increase. Why? People love to have more damage capacity and slash the heck out of someone.
Least Played- Like I said, most will be equal, but I'd have to say Monk. Why? People like to deal damage, not save it.
Least Played- Like I said, most will be equal, but I'd have to say Monk. Why? People like to deal damage, not save it.
I would say that monks are most played. So many people using monk as secondary profession. Many players don't trust primary monks to do the healing.
Least played would be necro or mesmer. They don't do direct damage as much as the other professions.
I'm a monk / elementalist and a ranger / something, haven't decided yet.
But there is a good balance between professions. It isn't as bad like in other games.
Least played would be necro or mesmer. They don't do direct damage as much as the other professions.
I'm a monk / elementalist and a ranger / something, haven't decided yet.
But there is a good balance between professions. It isn't as bad like in other games.
Chaos Engine
I think a better question would be "Which primary profession?" instead of "Which profession?".
I prefer the ranger and despise the warrior because of range. I like getting in the 'critical' first hit or two, which the warrior will typically be unable to do as they charge across the long field of battle.
I think we are seeing a decrease in people playing warriors, but that remains to be seen after release.
I think we are seeing a decrease in people playing warriors, but that remains to be seen after release.
Originally Posted by Halfy
I prefer the ranger and despise the warrior because of range. I like getting in the 'critical' first hit or two, which the warrior will typically be unable to do as they charge across the long field of battle.
im not sure, i think it will be even all around.
but i can say this.
the main proffesions i will be playing are
main proffesions i will not be playin often are
necromaner looks really good to me a secondary proffesion.
and im not a ranger fan at all, i like to be up in somebodys face.
but i can say this.
the main proffesions i will be playing are
main proffesions i will not be playin often are
necromaner looks really good to me a secondary proffesion.
and im not a ranger fan at all, i like to be up in somebodys face.
My guess is ranger or warrior will be first because not everyone is into pure spellcasters, and with 4 of the professions being magic users that leaves only ranger or warrior for the physical damage dealers.
Least will probably be monk because it is the hardest profession to play in the game. There's a lot of pressure to be the monk and people play the game for fun. Depending on how other players treat you can really make you or break you as a monk.
Least will probably be monk because it is the hardest profession to play in the game. There's a lot of pressure to be the monk and people play the game for fun. Depending on how other players treat you can really make you or break you as a monk.
Originally Posted by HotSnack
To be fair, I don't think a Ranger will be responsible for landing the first 'critical' hit, rather it'll be the Ele raining unholy terror...
ranger drops arrows on target before caster gets close enough to act

found it
wand and staff 80 feet
flatbow (and longbow) 100 feet
Hmmm. Least played will be the monk (IMO of course). It takes skill and dedication to play a good Healer. Most players just want to hit and slash/zap/burn/kill their enemy, while the monk is dedicated to keeping his team alive.
Someone that's really serious about playing a monk (and not using monk skills to heal himself) will be someone that I'll trust 100pct. In most games, the ppl that deliberately chose to be a monk are the ones that are "fit for the job". They know that their team is depending on them.
Someone that's really serious about playing a monk (and not using monk skills to heal himself) will be someone that I'll trust 100pct. In most games, the ppl that deliberately chose to be a monk are the ones that are "fit for the job". They know that their team is depending on them.
Originally Posted by Loviatar
the ranger with a flatbow can hit farther out than a spellcaster
ranger drops arrows on target before caster gets close enough to act ![]() edit found it wand and staff 80 feet flatbow (and longbow) 100 feet |
Originally Posted by Ilya Khan
I know that there was a thread posted very similar to this one but I would like to know which professions you think will most played/least played and WHY?
I already, sort of, understand why the Ranger is going to be the most played (probably because it is so versatile and some of the skills are tremendously powerful) and I could kind of see why people don't wanna be a monk (You want to sit around healing? Doesn't sound like much fun to me...) But I want to know all of your reasons for choosing the class you want to be and why And I would also love to know, in your opinion, which profession will have the most players/least players -thx |
For the least used proffession I'd go with Mesmer or Necromancer, some people believe that they are bad because they don't deal as much direct damage as a proffession such as Warrior. But a Mesmer can screw up a Warrior or Healer, and fast.
Warrior is somewhat of a finesse class when you consider adrenaline so I don't think it is as common among the BWE's as it will be on release. The average player doesn't know what it takes to be a good warrior and will probably choose it by default thinking it is just like every other warrior he has played. Your average BWE player knows better.
Pets are candy and it only takes seeing someone with a cool pet a few times before people give in to the Ranger. Once they make that spider or bear a possible pet, you'll see Rangers classes spike like crazy.
Monks are the only true support class and ANet would do well to create an energy support class in a new profession (it should have been in the mesmer profession though). Essentially, a good monk adds 8 skills to everyone else's taskbar.....with erratic recharge times. Good players should tip their monks!
Ranger = popular
Monks = screwed
Pets are candy and it only takes seeing someone with a cool pet a few times before people give in to the Ranger. Once they make that spider or bear a possible pet, you'll see Rangers classes spike like crazy.
Monks are the only true support class and ANet would do well to create an energy support class in a new profession (it should have been in the mesmer profession though). Essentially, a good monk adds 8 skills to everyone else's taskbar.....with erratic recharge times. Good players should tip their monks!
Ranger = popular
Monks = screwed
Monk is the most highly used, whether it be as a secondary or primary. Everyone is getting into the whole Warrior/Monk thing, I dont like following the herd so read my sig for what I'am

Soiled Egg Roll
I am pretty sure that Monks are the least played primary, because not many people like to be the "healer". My guess for most played primary is Ranger, because rangers appeal to people, I guess. There seemed to be so many rangers in Tombs' Districts, and some times be less than 5 monks in the whole district.
I'd say most played would be W/Mo.
Least played would be like Nec/W, I just never see those.
Monk primary are also not played very often. I hate playing monk and yet I end up doing it because so few people in the guild can/will do it.
Least played would be like Nec/W, I just never see those.
Monk primary are also not played very often. I hate playing monk and yet I end up doing it because so few people in the guild can/will do it.
I believe some people are getting confused about how widely used Monks are. I've created a list here that I believe shows the order of used proffessions:
1) Ranger
2) Warrior
3) Monk
4) Elementalist
5) Mesmer
6) Necromancer
Many people choose Monk because it is very useful, yet some people are thrown off because they feel that they are weak and can't deal damage. Which of course is wrong, Monk skills such as "Banish" and "Bane Signet" do deal direct damage. But that isn't the wisest build, because an E/Mo can easily out damage it.
As you can see the magic users are at the bottom. I think some people believe that they are weak and succeptable to death. But Magic Users can cause some of the biggest havoc and dish out the most damage in the entire game. It's all a matter of opinion.
1) Ranger
2) Warrior
3) Monk
4) Elementalist
5) Mesmer
6) Necromancer
Many people choose Monk because it is very useful, yet some people are thrown off because they feel that they are weak and can't deal damage. Which of course is wrong, Monk skills such as "Banish" and "Bane Signet" do deal direct damage. But that isn't the wisest build, because an E/Mo can easily out damage it.
As you can see the magic users are at the bottom. I think some people believe that they are weak and succeptable to death. But Magic Users can cause some of the biggest havoc and dish out the most damage in the entire game. It's all a matter of opinion.

I always thought monks were pretty scarce, but now it's just that good monks are scarce. Since monks gather parties so quickly, I think everyone decided to become a monk so they could be more popular/get more play time in, without actually having the desire to play the healer (Healing? What, guys, I'm a Smiting Monk, didn't you know?). Mesmers are incredibly rare, I've found, while Warriors are the most common, as well as Elementalist (females), probably for the eye-candy.
Originally Posted by fawgre
I always thought monks were pretty scarce, but now it's just that good monks are scarce. Since monks gather parties so quickly, I think everyone decided to become a monk so they could be more popular/get more play time in, without actually having the desire to play the healer (Healing? What, guys, I'm a Smiting Monk, didn't you know?). Mesmers are incredibly rare, I've found, while Warriors are the most common, as well as Elementalist (females), probably for the eye-candy.
Originally Posted by fawgre
I always thought monks were pretty scarce, but now it's just that good monks are scarce. Since monks gather parties so quickly, I think everyone decided to become a monk so they could be more popular/get more play time in, without actually having the desire to play the healer (Healing? What, guys, I'm a Smiting Monk, didn't you know?). Mesmers are incredibly rare, I've found, while Warriors are the most common, as well as Elementalist (females), probably for the eye-candy.
...And then the sword came out... followed by the monster rushing. Well, I'm not surprised he didn't notice that the monsters were cutting through his flimsy Monk armour like butter, what with me forced to use my best healing spells on him evey single encounter...

Vermilion Okeanos
as primary goes... I would say necro.
but if count the attribute the character go nito... it must be smitting prayer then beast mastery... well, not including soul reaping that is...
but if count the attribute the character go nito... it must be smitting prayer then beast mastery... well, not including soul reaping that is...
The most popular primary is easily the Ranger. Popular flavor, crazy amounts of power, etc. What's not to like?
Least popular is the Monk - most people look at Monking as 'biting the Monk bullet'. Even if it isn't the least played class, it's the most *underplayed* class. There's a reason everyone pounces on any Monk available - teams need them and no one plays 'em.
For secondaries, Monk is easily the most popular. It helps people solo with the class of their choice, and lessens their reliance on 'real' Monks - which, again, are severely underplayed.
Overall, W/Mo is probably the most popular class, and E/W is the least. I'm sure that'll change as the game evolves.
Least popular is the Monk - most people look at Monking as 'biting the Monk bullet'. Even if it isn't the least played class, it's the most *underplayed* class. There's a reason everyone pounces on any Monk available - teams need them and no one plays 'em.
For secondaries, Monk is easily the most popular. It helps people solo with the class of their choice, and lessens their reliance on 'real' Monks - which, again, are severely underplayed.
Overall, W/Mo is probably the most popular class, and E/W is the least. I'm sure that'll change as the game evolves.
Acan Vishnu
I'd probably switch around the listing a bit..
1) Warrior
2) Ranger
3) Elementalist
4) Monk
5) Mesmer
6) Necromancer
1 and 2 might actually be a tie... Can't decide
1) Warrior
2) Ranger
3) Elementalist
4) Monk
5) Mesmer
6) Necromancer
1 and 2 might actually be a tie... Can't decide
Originally Posted by Vindexus
I'd say most played would be W/Mo.
Least played would be like Nec/W, I just never see those. Monk primary are also not played very often. I hate playing monk and yet I end up doing it because so few people in the guild can/will do it. |
Most popular W/Mo I think.
I bet 35% of all secondaries are monk.
HEY!!! The Stark Fist of Reality is BACK! Haven't seen him in a while. I was afraid the new influx of spam had scared the Fist away - which I think would be horrible.
I'm a fan!
It's scary, i actually like to be the healer. I don't know why, but it just catches my attention, like how some people are drawed to warrior. In all games i'm always determiend to be something that can heal or buff.
Originally Posted by Divinity
It's scary, i actually like to be the healer. I don't know why, but it just catches my attention, like how some people are drawed to warrior.
Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
as primary goes... I would say necro.
but if count the attribute the character go nito... it must be smitting prayer then beast mastery... well, not including soul reaping that is... |
Originally Posted by fawgre
Yes! I, too, actually enjoy being the healer. I always feel strange because there are all these people going, "Man, healing sucks, what crazies would ever want to do that."
Originally Posted by Acan Vishnu
I'd probably switch around the listing a bit..
1) Warrior 2) Ranger 3) Elementalist 4) Monk 5) Mesmer 6) Necromancer 1 and 2 might actually be a tie... Can't decide |
Ilya Khan
Wow...a few hours after postin and this thread is already on fire. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
I was actually asking about least/most played primary profession but some of these posts gave me a VERY good idea as to what most people will be. So, from what I can gather, Monk will be the least played in relation to their importance, but there will be be plenty of secondaries... And the warrior and ranger will thrive due to the warriors strength/ability to do some damage w/o skills and the ranger's versatility (Expertise, Marksmanship etc).
Yet...The I have a feeling nobody would like to be the Necro, Mesmer, Monk primary. Why not? And what do you think the easy substitute to their purpose (I.E. How to get around not having a Pure or primary Monk for healing/Necro for Hexing/ Mesmer for hexing and act as a buffer to casters) is?
And finally, why is it that the Necro is so weak? What can be done to make him a little more popular/ what, perhaps, were the designers of the game thinking when they tried to balance the necro to be equal to other classes? What advantages does he have if any?
Again, Please post because all of your thought will be read and I would like as much input as I could possibly get. I just hope I am not overly-excited for Guild Wars.
I was actually asking about least/most played primary profession but some of these posts gave me a VERY good idea as to what most people will be. So, from what I can gather, Monk will be the least played in relation to their importance, but there will be be plenty of secondaries... And the warrior and ranger will thrive due to the warriors strength/ability to do some damage w/o skills and the ranger's versatility (Expertise, Marksmanship etc).
Yet...The I have a feeling nobody would like to be the Necro, Mesmer, Monk primary. Why not? And what do you think the easy substitute to their purpose (I.E. How to get around not having a Pure or primary Monk for healing/Necro for Hexing/ Mesmer for hexing and act as a buffer to casters) is?
And finally, why is it that the Necro is so weak? What can be done to make him a little more popular/ what, perhaps, were the designers of the game thinking when they tried to balance the necro to be equal to other classes? What advantages does he have if any?
Again, Please post because all of your thought will be read and I would like as much input as I could possibly get. I just hope I am not overly-excited for Guild Wars.
I really don't understand why people dislike playing Monks. They act like it's some kind of boring chore. Heck, I'm the busiest person in the group!
Now, in other games I could understand. Man, going back to World of Warcraft and trying to play a healing class made me CRY. The battles are so slow and people get hurt so little, you spend half your time twiddling your thumbs.
Now, in other games I could understand. Man, going back to World of Warcraft and trying to play a healing class made me CRY. The battles are so slow and people get hurt so little, you spend half your time twiddling your thumbs.
How about the least played combo? Anyone up for an elementalist/warrior?
No thanks...
No thanks...
Rizzen Khalazar
My main will most likely be a Monk, and Ill also just have a Warrior/Monk for the times ill be playing lone. I will have my wife with me alot, so atleast I wont be alone. She will most likely be a Warrior.