WTB un identified superior vigor (95k)
I'm willing to offer 95k to get my hands on one of these.
why unidentified? if it is unidentified, you still have a chance of messing it up and getting some raw (rare) crafting materials...?
just wondering...
just wondering...
its when they salvage it and the rune is sitting there but it does not say what it is, its easy to see that its superior vigor because it is the only rune that does not look like another rune. example, Un id Warrior absorbtion looks the same as un id warrior hammer mastery. All you have to do is ID it and its yours, no risk involved.
Arcanis Imperium
Plus, by Identifying your own runes, you unlock them for use in PVP.
if someone manages to slavage an UnIded rune they will probabaly be asking for over an 100k for it considering the MSRP of an ID Sup Vigor is 100k
Originally Posted by secretazn
I'm willing to offer 95k to get my hands on one of these.
i know this is kinda old...but i have what ur looking for...i have a unided superior rune of vigor...i know this cause its a scroll looking thing with a black W looking symbol
kk thxs
kk thxs
i have superior unid vigor rune
IGN : The Linlaobei
IGN : The Linlaobei
selling sup absorb 70k ..ign angel tyrael