A Prophecy:
Sorry guys.
Have important stuff to say BUT cant say it clearly AND I would like to refer to it later, when some of it might have happened in guild wars...
So heres my prophecy:
In the Game of guild wars
Thy who are almost extinct
and hard to master but easy to use ,
Thy whos skills nobody wants
Neither as primary nor as secondary
having no strategy, just tactics
can neither heal nor do max damage
still beating thoose who are most common ,
because they know spells the best
for using all of them on demand
will find ways around everything
Then the time comes when they will
find easy ways to profit the most
from what thoose have changed
that are now nowere to be found
and are still requested the most
They will meet at the camp
And use all others for them
and enemies against themself
to beat the hell out of this game!!!!
And by a raise in popularity
because everyone follows the rye-catcher
this class will even be in the halls of heroes
and the underworlds, to show real skill.
And not just "MAXDAMAGE , need more MONKS, 2 Air eles needed, LOLOL"
You can decode this prophecy or just ignore it. have funn.
Hopefully i can quote it one time.
Have important stuff to say BUT cant say it clearly AND I would like to refer to it later, when some of it might have happened in guild wars...
So heres my prophecy:
In the Game of guild wars
Thy who are almost extinct
and hard to master but easy to use ,
Thy whos skills nobody wants
Neither as primary nor as secondary
having no strategy, just tactics
can neither heal nor do max damage
still beating thoose who are most common ,
because they know spells the best
for using all of them on demand
will find ways around everything
Then the time comes when they will
find easy ways to profit the most
from what thoose have changed
that are now nowere to be found
and are still requested the most
They will meet at the camp
And use all others for them
and enemies against themself
to beat the hell out of this game!!!!
And by a raise in popularity
because everyone follows the rye-catcher
this class will even be in the halls of heroes
and the underworlds, to show real skill.
And not just "MAXDAMAGE , need more MONKS, 2 Air eles needed, LOLOL"
You can decode this prophecy or just ignore it. have funn.
Hopefully i can quote it one time.
Everyone hates rangers, and eventually something will be figured out and rangers will start getting alot better and more accepted.
Just a guess..
Just a guess..
I am gonna guess Necromancers. It's probably wrong, but who else can use enemies against themselves? Yeah, that's right, your friendly neighborhood Necro. Mmmm, dead things....droooool....
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere.
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere.
can neither heal nor do max damage |
props to Ollj. Although I don't quite follow what you're saying, that's the very nature of prophecy and I salute you for adding depth to the RP element (don't like that you mentioned "game" in the first line though).
You earn a place in the stars alongside the ACT guild and Kara the RPEvent organizer. Kudos.
You earn a place in the stars alongside the ACT guild and Kara the RPEvent organizer. Kudos.
That is so sad and ironic.
Even now people don't recognize the mesmer in it.
Even now people don't recognize the mesmer in it.
grant me space for error... I'm 2 weeks into the game (roughly)...

Originally Posted by Feli
Even now people don't recognize the mesmer in it.
Originally Posted by Feli
That is so sad and ironic.
Even now people don't recognize the mesmer in it. |
BUT thats ony half, and not the BOLD part, of the prophecy.
I would say it'd be a Necromancer as they're the only class that can use others for themselves and enemies against themselves. But I'm no good at reading things that aren't clear. Probably a Me/N or a N/Me(which by the way is a bloody good combination. Too bad by the time I wanted to try it out, it became a flavour of the month

salja Wachi
he is talking about mesmers beating w/mo for sure and possibly a necro as a second profession however a necro can heal himself and others quite easily.
Someone has had way too much coffee or time on their hands, one of the two... o_o;
I'd say Mesmer myself but, eh.
I'd say Mesmer myself but, eh.
I thoroughly enjoyed your post! Very nice!
I thoroughly enjoyed your post! Very nice!
we got a winner! |
Mesmers can heal. It's called Ether Feast.
i play a N/Me...
And when did it become the flavor of the month? lol i rarely see any other N/Me's around.
I chose N/Me because ive always liked Necromancers in D&D (Evil Cleric/MU's really) and i played an Enchanter in EQ and figured a Me was close to a chanter.
Also the combo rocks big time if you know your role in a group and have the skills and attributes setup to use them.
I know the monk loves it when i drop a +3 Energy regen on him/her, and the amount of ways you have to alter the way a battle is going to play out is great. My current setup is geared towards aiding my spellcasters and shutting down the enemys, along with Empathy to put the pain on a melee attacker.
Also being able to remove enhancments and Hexs while damaging for a nice chunk is handy, when i remove a hex from a teammate, all nearby enemys take close to 100 damage.
And when did it become the flavor of the month? lol i rarely see any other N/Me's around.
I chose N/Me because ive always liked Necromancers in D&D (Evil Cleric/MU's really) and i played an Enchanter in EQ and figured a Me was close to a chanter.
Also the combo rocks big time if you know your role in a group and have the skills and attributes setup to use them.
I know the monk loves it when i drop a +3 Energy regen on him/her, and the amount of ways you have to alter the way a battle is going to play out is great. My current setup is geared towards aiding my spellcasters and shutting down the enemys, along with Empathy to put the pain on a melee attacker.
Also being able to remove enhancments and Hexs while damaging for a nice chunk is handy, when i remove a hex from a teammate, all nearby enemys take close to 100 damage.
Im not talking about necros anywere!
They can kill Warriors by just running around them and training their energy (ignoring armor)...
Necros only use dead bodies against themself, im talking about living enemies.
Ether feast a healing spell?
Ether feast is a nice early fight heal, but when enemies might be low on energy (or just not in range) ether feast is barely usefull, and it only heals self.
BTW the rarest ever used spells are not elite spells, they are the following mesmer spells:
-- signet owing: --
Ignorance (foe cant use signets)
Mantra of Signets (instantly reloads a signet)
Mantra of Inscripptions (signets recharge faster)
Signet of Weariness (foes splash energy losing)
Signet of Humility (Disables foes elite skill)
-- get 4 cloning Spells for flexible tactics: --
Arcane Mimicry (clone elite spell of one ally)
Arcane Echo (clones the next spell you use, REAL fun together with "Echo" (elite that does the same cheaper))
Arcane Thievery (simply steal a foes spell and use it for some time)
-- more using foes against self:
Clumsiness (next foes attack hurts the foe)
Empathy (same as above for some time but less hurting)
- -against casters: --
Cry of frustration (spash skill interruption)
Power Drain (drain energy when foe uses a spell and interuppt the spell)
Mind whack (does damage when foes energy is 0)
-- against adrenaline: --
Shooting Images (no adrenaline gaining for some time)
Sympatic visage (all targets adjanced foes loose all adrenaline when one foe attacks)
-- against spellbreakers: --
Mantra of Concentration (makes you interuption proof once)
Mantra of Resolve (as above but for some time and expensive)
-- --
Phantom Pain (health degeneration that ends with a deep wound)
Im just listing them because rarely anyone uses them because...
- of no aparent reason, because thoose spells own!!!!
- they are not even elite spells, so theyre not cool fpor most people.
- they are mesmer skills, their superior runes barely cost 600 gold!!!
- you dont get them in a quest, you have to Pay forthem (eew paying for mesmer skills?)
- you only get them in locations that many dont even know (maguma stade, fishermans, mahatmas grotto) because they ran trough the game.
wow, think of what 2 good players can do with tosse spells (apart from surprising most enemies)
Im not talking about necros anywere!
They can kill Warriors by just running around them and training their energy (ignoring armor)...
Necros only use dead bodies against themself, im talking about living enemies.
Ether feast a healing spell?
Ether feast is a nice early fight heal, but when enemies might be low on energy (or just not in range) ether feast is barely usefull, and it only heals self.
BTW the rarest ever used spells are not elite spells, they are the following mesmer spells:
-- signet owing: --
Ignorance (foe cant use signets)
Mantra of Signets (instantly reloads a signet)
Mantra of Inscripptions (signets recharge faster)
Signet of Weariness (foes splash energy losing)
Signet of Humility (Disables foes elite skill)
-- get 4 cloning Spells for flexible tactics: --
Arcane Mimicry (clone elite spell of one ally)
Arcane Echo (clones the next spell you use, REAL fun together with "Echo" (elite that does the same cheaper))
Arcane Thievery (simply steal a foes spell and use it for some time)
-- more using foes against self:
Clumsiness (next foes attack hurts the foe)
Empathy (same as above for some time but less hurting)
- -against casters: --
Cry of frustration (spash skill interruption)
Power Drain (drain energy when foe uses a spell and interuppt the spell)
Mind whack (does damage when foes energy is 0)
-- against adrenaline: --
Shooting Images (no adrenaline gaining for some time)
Sympatic visage (all targets adjanced foes loose all adrenaline when one foe attacks)
-- against spellbreakers: --
Mantra of Concentration (makes you interuption proof once)
Mantra of Resolve (as above but for some time and expensive)
-- --
Phantom Pain (health degeneration that ends with a deep wound)
Im just listing them because rarely anyone uses them because...
- of no aparent reason, because thoose spells own!!!!
- they are not even elite spells, so theyre not cool fpor most people.
- they are mesmer skills, their superior runes barely cost 600 gold!!!
- you dont get them in a quest, you have to Pay forthem (eew paying for mesmer skills?)
- you only get them in locations that many dont even know (maguma stade, fishermans, mahatmas grotto) because they ran trough the game.
wow, think of what 2 good players can do with tosse spells (apart from surprising most enemies)
I love my E/Mes more often then naught, whenever i'm playing another character I want my mesmer so... I have 3 characters with mesmer secondary
. E/Mes(Domination), R/Mes(insperation), N/Mes(domination) ohh the other character i have is W/Mo yeah i know almost everyone has one so i wanted to see what the deal was, quite a few time where my E/Mes owns guys and my Warrior is laying face down.
Empathy: (constantly use this now since i'm water domination, water doesn't do a lot of dmg all the time but 25 dmg for every time they swing can start to hurt really fast. Escpecially on the fast swinging warriors.
Arcane Thievery: LOL I used this out of fun, in fact I had this when I finally beat Elona coop mission. Grabbed a boss elite skill and healed my team a bit. The funniest thing though happened in the same mission, a earth casting boss was guarding the crystal so I shot arcane thievery at him, stole stoning from the boss who then ran into a corner, we beat the snot out of him. Didn't even turn around, guess he was really upset that I stole his precious skill.
The only problem I come across is some times it doesn't look like i'm doing a lot. While in truth i've stopped casters from using spells i'm trying to stop a spell ,waiting for a skill to recharge or i'm just letting the enemy kill themself after i've casted my spells.
Empathy: (constantly use this now since i'm water domination, water doesn't do a lot of dmg all the time but 25 dmg for every time they swing can start to hurt really fast. Escpecially on the fast swinging warriors.
Arcane Thievery: LOL I used this out of fun, in fact I had this when I finally beat Elona coop mission. Grabbed a boss elite skill and healed my team a bit. The funniest thing though happened in the same mission, a earth casting boss was guarding the crystal so I shot arcane thievery at him, stole stoning from the boss who then ran into a corner, we beat the snot out of him. Didn't even turn around, guess he was really upset that I stole his precious skill.
The only problem I come across is some times it doesn't look like i'm doing a lot. While in truth i've stopped casters from using spells i'm trying to stop a spell ,waiting for a skill to recharge or i'm just letting the enemy kill themself after i've casted my spells.
Mark my words... some day rangers will rule the World *maniacal laugh*
Originally Posted by ManadartheHealer
Mark my words... some day rangers will rule the World *maniacal laugh*

Ether feast a healing spell? Ether feast is a nice early fight heal, but when enemies might be low on energy (or just not in range) ether feast is barely usefull, and it only heals self. |
And if you're a good mesmer you'll have a mental tally of about how much energy your enemy has and know if you should suck from him, or the nice, plump elementalist standing next to them.