Idea: Stylist NPC (Possible Money sink)
Phantom Flux
/signed the fact anet didn't make it yet it pathetic.
definately a great idea i like!!
custom is good!!
custom is good!!
Why are you still beating this poor dead horse.
Better be one in gw2
/signed very fable-esque, great idea.
Maria The Princess
my 3 years old ranger is crying for a haircut... i can change my hair in theory every day, why cant my pixelated self do that?
it would also be nice to change skin color, since WE can. we can tan, we can use skin make up, we can go lighter with less sun exposure, even dark skinned people. that should be limited tough, white base skinned charcater cant go over medium skin tone, and dark skinned characters cant go completely white, just light dark skin tone.
it would also be nice to change skin color, since WE can. we can tan, we can use skin make up, we can go lighter with less sun exposure, even dark skinned people. that should be limited tough, white base skinned charcater cant go over medium skin tone, and dark skinned characters cant go completely white, just light dark skin tone.
Phantom Flux
Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
my 3 years old ranger is crying for a haircut... i can change my hair in theory every day, why cant my pixelated self do that?
it would also be nice to change skin color, since WE can. we can tan, we can use skin make up, we can go lighter with less sun exposure, even dark skinned people. that should be limited tough, white base skinned charcater cant go over medium skin tone, and dark skinned characters cant go completely white, just light dark skin tone. |
With that said,
ENOUGH with these pathetic, pointless winterday events and start making something useful, such as the NPC hair stylist.
romeus petrus
/signed for a stylist and a tanning salon.
I LOVE this idea!
A-Net, get to it >=(
A-Net, get to it >=(
Jaina Kentara
I would be surprised if they didn't have this feature in GW 2, 'cause even Runescape has one of these, and Runescape is imo terrible.
I would be surprised if they didn't have this feature in GW 2, 'cause even Runescape has one of these, and Runescape is imo terrible.
Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
my 3 years old ranger is crying for a haircut... i can change my hair in theory every day, why cant my pixelated self do that?
it would also be nice to change skin color, since WE can. we can tan, we can use skin make up, we can go lighter with less sun exposure, even dark skinned people. that should be limited tough, white base skinned charcater cant go over medium skin tone, and dark skinned characters cant go completely white, just light dark skin tone. |
/notsigned for GW1, dead horse that has been beaten into the ground many times, Gaile already said it's not going to happen for GW1
/signed for GW2, because of the possible gold sink
Phantom Flux
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Please stop equating a video game to real life. Do you complain when Nero uses his Devil Bringer in Devil May Cry 4 because it's not realistic enough?
/notsigned for GW1, dead horse that has been beaten into the ground many times, Gaile already said it's not going to happen for GW1 /signed for GW2, because of the possible gold sink |
Maria The Princess
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Please stop equating a video game to real life. Do you complain when Nero uses his Devil Bringer in Devil May Cry 4 because it's not realistic enough?
/notsigned for GW1, dead horse that has been beaten into the ground many times, Gaile already said it's not going to happen for GW1 /signed for GW2, because of the possible gold sink |
Phantom Flux
It is a serious disappointing put down that Anet didn't even bother to create a npc stylist for GW1 and if its just to prepare for GW2, just even more lame.
Come on Anet, let's not have players who are in full regret of their hard worked characters!
Do as the majority has asked for and for this long? NOT FAIR!!!!
P.S. The idea of volumizing the skin color is a great idea too. If people from everquest and wow can do it, shouldn't anet be willing to try better?
Come on Anet, let's not have players who are in full regret of their hard worked characters!
Do as the majority has asked for and for this long? NOT FAIR!!!!
P.S. The idea of volumizing the skin color is a great idea too. If people from everquest and wow can do it, shouldn't anet be willing to try better?
The Only Warrior
i agreed 462%!!!!!!!! i hate walking through town and having to back step cause my twin just ran past me in same armor with same hair and same color its so /fail
i agreed 462%!!!!!!!! i hate walking through town and having to back step cause my twin just ran past me in same armor with same hair and same color its so /fail
Phantom Flux
Come on Anet, the majority has spoken!
WoW having it is not an incentive to add it to GW...
But people wanting it DOES.
So the suggestion is still valid, and is still wanted. And people will keep asking for it.
But people wanting it DOES.
So the suggestion is still valid, and is still wanted. And people will keep asking for it.
I could even pay 50k just to change the hairstyle on my ele!!
/signed with all four hands
/signed with all four hands
12 charachters
12 charachters
I posted other.
In fact I am totally for it, originally back when only prophecies existed I made a female mesmer with curly neck length red hair, to find out that 15k black virtuoso armor like to clip it.
Being a little pissed I emailed support showing them the armor clip. I suggested that they have a hair stylist or something like that.
I Got the general brush off stating that not at the present time was that a viable solution.
I learned early on, if it isn't already in the game, don't hold your breath too hard for it now. I wish it would happen, but conversely I feel a little bitter thinking that it wont.
In fact I am totally for it, originally back when only prophecies existed I made a female mesmer with curly neck length red hair, to find out that 15k black virtuoso armor like to clip it.
Being a little pissed I emailed support showing them the armor clip. I suggested that they have a hair stylist or something like that.
I Got the general brush off stating that not at the present time was that a viable solution.
I learned early on, if it isn't already in the game, don't hold your breath too hard for it now. I wish it would happen, but conversely I feel a little bitter thinking that it wont.
Daft Shifty
would help make things look interesting/different
Chaos Flame Reaper
/sign if they provide more hair looks and hair colors.
/sign, and bump in hopes that ANet will pay some attention to this.
Guild Wars is approaching 4 years old now, and I know I'm not the only person with veteran characters who are almost that age. I for one can say that I'm not about to delete them just to change their hair. However, it would be brilliant to be able to change their looks without having to completely remake a character that's been around for so long.
There are many more options available as far as character appearance is concerned now than there were when GW was first released. It would be wonderful to be able to go back and give my monk a new hairstyle (the old Ascalon bun-look is kind of outdated).
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this or not (I'm sure they have), but I think the option to change hairstyle should extend cross-campaign. For example, Elonian hair styles on my Canthan mesmer. I'd very much like to be able to mix faces and hairstyles from several campaigns. I kind of have the feeling that, if ANet ever got around to implementing a hairstylist NPC, if this request goes unsaid it wouldn't be an option.
RTSFirebat first posted this thread on 06-14-2005 and people have been in support of this idea almost since the beginning of guild wars. You'd think with that much support and thought on the subject that ANet would have given it some more attention. I highly doubt it would take much effort to implement into the game.
Guild Wars is approaching 4 years old now, and I know I'm not the only person with veteran characters who are almost that age. I for one can say that I'm not about to delete them just to change their hair. However, it would be brilliant to be able to change their looks without having to completely remake a character that's been around for so long.
There are many more options available as far as character appearance is concerned now than there were when GW was first released. It would be wonderful to be able to go back and give my monk a new hairstyle (the old Ascalon bun-look is kind of outdated).
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this or not (I'm sure they have), but I think the option to change hairstyle should extend cross-campaign. For example, Elonian hair styles on my Canthan mesmer. I'd very much like to be able to mix faces and hairstyles from several campaigns. I kind of have the feeling that, if ANet ever got around to implementing a hairstylist NPC, if this request goes unsaid it wouldn't be an option.
RTSFirebat first posted this thread on 06-14-2005 and people have been in support of this idea almost since the beginning of guild wars. You'd think with that much support and thought on the subject that ANet would have given it some more attention. I highly doubt it would take much effort to implement into the game.
Empress Amarox
I'd rather have this.
assassin shaun
good idea. this has been talked about so much and still not implemented so i doubt it will happen but we can hope
It would be the most kickass thing though if they teamed up EA and ported some Sims style goodness over. This game is seriously lacking in even the basic customization.
It would be the most kickass thing though if they teamed up EA and ported some Sims style goodness over. This game is seriously lacking in even the basic customization.
Oh, it does have basic customization, the problem it's that it can be applied only once.
One of the basics for success with RPG games is giving the characters the ability to change. Physical changes are also important changes.
One of the basics for success with RPG games is giving the characters the ability to change. Physical changes are also important changes.
Actually, I'd call it rudimentary customization. I don't think it's reached the polish of basic customization yet. Heck, RPGs in the 90's were offering more character customization.
It's been too long, too many of us are in support of it, it may be too late for GW1, but it had better be in GW2!!!
It's been too long, too many of us are in support of it, it may be too late for GW1, but it had better be in GW2!!!
ENOUGH with these pathetic, pointless winterday events and start making something useful, such as the NPC hair stylist. |
Yeah, needs moar haircuts, enough said. I mean, it's not like we're asking for something Perfect World-esque! Just a simple button that takes us back to the customization screen. That would take, what? An hour at max?
I've deleted like 15 lvl 20's, and 3 of them were FoW onces.. Just because I didn't like the haircut/length or skin colour.. So
I would love a stylist NPC. I would even pay for a "character makeover pack" in the GW online store.
What I really want is a sex/facial/height change for some of my characters. I would pay real or IG money for that.
EVE Online sells character renames and portrait re-dos to players for $10 a pop. Could be very profitable for Anet.
What I really want is a sex/facial/height change for some of my characters. I would pay real or IG money for that.
EVE Online sells character renames and portrait re-dos to players for $10 a pop. Could be very profitable for Anet.
Rosie Woogs
my monk is sooo tired of being bald
I would love a beauty salon!

I would love a stylist NPC. I would even pay for a "character makeover pack" in the GW online store.
What I really want is a sex/facial/height change for some of my characters. I would pay real or IG money for that. EVE Online sells character renames and portrait re-dos to players for $10 a pop. Could be very profitable for Anet. |
I think in GW2 you will definitely have a stylist NPC. In GW, I doubt it. However, as they are doing quarterly updates now, who knows...they may.
* Thanks for thread necromancy.
* Thanks for thread necromancy.
I'd rather have this.
-Hair stylist for changing hair styles
-Hair dyer for changing hair color
-Plastic surgeon for changing face styles
-Tanner for changing skin tone
-Stretcher (?!) for changing height?!?! Probably not a good idea...
And your character would be restricted to choices of the campaign created in. So a Monk created in Prophecies cannot choose styles from Factions or Nightfall.
Also, don't necessarily make it cost gold. Getting this service should require an item that should be either extremely rare and/or hard to obtain otherwise. That way, you don't have too many people changing their looks, putting more priority on choosing carefully when actually creating the character.
Though I'm not sure about giving these stylist NPCs exclusive appearance options that cannot be chosen from character creation.
Soulfire Cleopatra
//QUADRUPLE SIGNED! Add a sikin toner too. How come Anet hasn't done this yet? So stupid not to! I dont care if they are planning one for GW2. It's not out yet. They should have this one out already.
Once the characters 'Ascend', like the Stargate ascension, they should be able to see the spirit world and trascend physical bodies.
Then, they should be able to change their very appearances.
Then, they should be able to change their very appearances.
Once the characters 'Ascend', like the Stargate ascension, they should be able to see the spirit world and transcend physical bodies.
Then, they should be able to change their very appearances. |
A friend recently brought this to my attention: On the official wiki, on the armor previews section, there are characters with faces from one campaign and hairstyles from another. For example:
Male Mesmer with Tyrian face and Elonian Hair
Female Necro with Tyrian face and Canthan Hair
Female Ele with Tyrian face and Canthan hair
Male Necro with Tyrian face and Elonian hair
Those are just some examples, but they prove that this concept is possible. Cross-campaign hair and face styles work and look very nice together. I don't understand why ANet won't implement this in-game. We already know it can be done.
New Character Customizations The ability to change a character's look once created is a luxury we've never had. Now you will not only be able to freshen up the look of a character you have been staring at for years, but you'll actually be able to mix and match aesthetic features from all campaigns, giving you a multitude of new combinations that aren't available during character creation! To prepare for this new feature, we've had to reorganize the way characters' appearance data is stored. As such, the first time you view your characters at the character selection screen, they won't look the way you remember them. Never fear! To update your character selection screen's display, you need only log in on each character, and they will be viewed correctly from here on out. * Preview your new look! Speak with Anatomical Engineer Llye [Stylist] in the Great Temple of Balthazar to check out all the options for redoing your character. * The Stylist allows you to mix and match aesthetic features from different campaigns, creating hundreds of combinations which are not available at character creation. * Change your character's hair style, hair color, face, skin color, and/or body scale with Makeover Credits, or all of those plus gender with Extreme Makeover Credits, at the Stylist. * Buy your Makeover Credits and Extreme Makeover Credits at the In-Game Store and the NCsoft Store. Makeover Credits are sold in packs of 5, and Extreme Makeover Credits are sold individually. * Each Makeover Credit allows you to change one character's hair style, hair color, face, skin color, and/or body scale. * Each Extreme Makeover Credit allows you to change one character's gender, as well as the Makeover options of hair style, hair color, face, skin color, and/or body scale. * Character Name Changes are now available at the In-Game Store and the NCsoft Store. See the gameplay article for more details. |