Hey, guys, nice site.
Been playing guild wars for a couple of days now and am loving it. Only there is one thing I still don't know about. When I have unlocked a new skill/spell thingy, but have no space for it, is there any way i can edit my skills bar to get rid of one to replace the other?
Squall Zell
Yea you can do this but you need to be in town just drag the skill you dont wanna use any more out of your skill bar then drag your new skill in.
once your in a town and bring up your skills menu all you need to do is drag and drop the skill you want into the box on the botton of yoru screen.
Yes but how do I view the skills that I have unlocked but aren't in the bar?
Originally Posted by salatious
once your in a town and bring up your skills menu all you need to do is drag and drop the skill you want into the box on the botton of yoru screen.
Whats the skills menu button?
digital sunshine
Press 'K' or use the Menu in the bottom left and go up to Skills, about the fifth item from the top.
You can go to the options button in bottom left corner, or press K (if you haven't changed it from default).
on the bottom left corner of your screen there is a button labeled "Menu" click it. then you will see sub menus to view. Click on Skills. this will provided details on each skills you have and the once you want just drag and drop them into the bar.
you can itemize the skills also on the top of the skills screen
you can itemize the skills also on the top of the skills screen