Golden Tower Shield Rare Item
- Max Defence
- 9 Tatics Required
- +25 Health
- -2 damaged recieved while enchanted
- The shield itself is gold as well as the name
WTS: Max Defence Shield With Mods >Read<
any req for the 25 health?
Ishamael Sedai
i'm wondering the same thing
5k + major death + major illusion + golden max round shield (hp+ 33 enchanted, dmg recv -2 while hexed) on the shield IGN: Lunamaria Sahalin
Dark Beast
Would have help if he left an ign, and I am guessing the health is under the condition of enchantment.
Eskimo Bob
Well shields can have up to +30 health with no requirements. Also, tower shields require strength I belive, not tactics. Maybe its a "tall" shield not a tower shield
Daedric Akaul
10k ingame name Daedric akaul
sry my first item im ever selling ill write up more about it I was just recalling from my memory. Im at school ATM :P
i offer highst i offer 11 k!!!!!! and 5 runes!
Ishamael Sedai
If that is health all the time i will offer 15k
i offer 16 k