animals and minions


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Hey I haven't been able to play the game yet, i've been looking into it for a while, to see if I want to spend the money. I'll probably buy the preorder soon, or get the friend pass from one of my friends. So, i'm gonna get it just looking into what class's I want to go with. I'm thinking of Ranger/Necromancer. You can bring your animals and use the minions in PvE.

So, you can store your animals, but can you store minions, or are they not storable? And if you can can you bring your animals and minions into PvP, cause I haven't seen them in videos? Why or Why not? Will your animals get crushed in PvP, same with minions if you can? Any information on minions and animals will help!
I haven't played yet, so forgive me if i'm wrong on some of the parts i'm trying to get knowledge from reading here! Thanks



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

wherever the winds take me


You can't store minions. You can summon them temporarily but their life will slowly degenerate over time. Which is why you rarely see them. They only last for a little bit of time.

Minions.. In PvE you can get minions by attacking mobs and raising the corpses. In PvP I would expect it to be slightly more difficult because you don't have all those monsters about you. It would take a bit of character specialization to get an appreciable amount of minions into PvP situation.(not to mention corpses...being there are only a couple teams of 8 to draw from..compared to PvE where you could have as many as 20-30 corpses to draw from in one small area.

both pets and minions can go in PvP. One thing to remember though,.. the pet is a member of your party..though it won't effectively kill your opponent for you it will give a small damage boost. If your pet dies you incur a death penalty for it just as though you had died. "It's your brought pay for having it" (more or less)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Can you call animals in PvP? And are they benefitable enough to make a difference to help you. Thanks



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

In my house in America

Knights of the Fell Republic, (KOFR)


The jury is still out on just how effective the animals actually are in GW. In several of the forums here, folks have many opinions about whether they are worth the effort & cost, or are more of a nuisance. It will depend on your own personal style of play and whether you prefer PvE or PvP/GvG. They do go with you wherever you go, as long as you keep the "charm animal" active in your list of skills. They can be killed, but you can resurrect them, if you're capable, or they will auto-resurrect after you return to a town and then venture out again. You'll have to decide for yourself if you like them enough take care of them, or not. Just like any other pet you might have.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Alright cool thanks.