Now, this is nothing unusual, ofcourse, since you play online = you have lag. Actually, I think GW is admirable in that it happens very rarely.
However, this lag seemed to be a bit peculiar. There was one lvl 3 skellie still attacking me, and he KEPT DOING DAMAGE...
In the meantime, i was frozen, couldn't move, I was hitting my heal skills, heal siggy, etc, and they were all blinking trying to go, and nothing happened. But I kept getting damage!

Ofcourse, this ended with the idiot skeleton killing me (the disgrace!) and me ressing at the shrine (immediately, I might add). Now, there's no issue with me dying or anything, although it was the first and only time that char had died so far, and it forced me to rewalk the full 7 minutes to where I was, but isn't this weird?
I mean, I'm used to lag just freezing both sides, and then all of a sudden a burst of like 50 "rounds" happens in one second. Which is why I'm always careful to stack up healing during lag, so I don't get ganked.
But in this case, I was frozen solid, and still kept getting damaged.
Crap, I'd hate to see this happen while you're fighting the very very last boss monster.

has anyone ever experienced this? It almost seems as if your own damage is taken care of by your client, and the rest is handled by the server, but that seems a VERY strange way of doing things?