Mae govannen!
I think it would be neat it there was an option to (temporarily) disable the guildcape, just for the player. I mean I as the player wouldn't see the cape my character wears, but all the others would just as now.
This is because while the cape is nice and shiny, when I get new armor I would love to see it all the time I am running around. And with like my ElMo's hydromancer armor, the cape clips into the back of the armor...
Option to disable capes for the player
Lady Leara
Yeah everyone are petitioning for this and also the helmet on/off option. I hope it's coming soon.
Drago Solaris
actualy maby u should be able to temporeraly disable the cape all together so that no one can see it
im interested in something like this.. but instead of disabling.. maybe an option to get rid of capes? [like if you made capes but decided you don't want them anymore..]
Try to use the search function, there is already a massive thread on this here: