Allow us to view which skills, runes, and upradeable components that we have unlocked. It is a pain to keep making a custom character to see which skills I do not have, which runes I need, and so on
Xunli (sp.) Agents expand!
-Put account storage agents, in explorable areas, missions, guild halls, veteran maps. It is frustrating if you run into a crafter in an explorable area, and your other character has materials that you need. So if people put all their materials in the storage box, allow us to access these boxs in missions. The Agents know they will get more business if they set up a shop next to a crafter!
Putting them in veteran maps will also make many things easier for crafting. It sucks having to carry materials all over the place and having them take up all your room.
Even better, why not just tie account storage into... your account. Allow us to access the storage anywhere, and from our Menu.
-Move storage box agents near spawning points in towns and outposts. Nothing is worse than spawning by the skill trainer in Lions Arch and having to walk all the way across the map just to transfer! There should also be more agents scattered all over town... since Lions Arch is like the biggest trade city. Perhaps have them walking around, and you can talk to them to get to your storage?
-Add a party npc in guild hall. Allow us to buy fireworks, ale, food, poppers, sparklers and all of that fun stuff in our guild hall. When you buy them and activate them, they would do their animations. The fireworks could start going off in the background, we could run around with sparklers. Something like this would be fun!...Party hats to :P
-More quests in the higher end missions.
-More easter eggs! Where are they!?!
-Fix rangers. They are so hard to use in games because they barely do any damage unless you follow like 2 builds which everyone uses. [AKA More variety with the rangers]
-Make runes, and upgradable items more easy to unlock/get. Maybe increase money drops, or rune drops.
-Make the dying of armor more efficient. Sometimes you can barely see any affect on something you dye!
-Allow us to stack runes or upgradeable items that are the exact same. [Maybe you already can?]
-Allow people to unlock skills through PvP conquest [aka like a pvp story mode?]
Suggestions list for summer!
I thought I made this suggestion but here it is:
-Allow us to view what skills, runes, and items we have already unlocked via the skill list window? Maybe add tabs to it to view this information.
-I find it hard because my character slots are filled because I am using some to get my skills I need, so I cannot make a new character just to see what I need. Sometimes you can overlook a skill on the websites. So why not just let us see what we need!
-Allow us to rearrange people in the party window so healers can focus on dedicated people. I know we can form a party in order, but sometimes there is a change in strategy so someone has to switch their character, and the party window can start to look bad.
-In-game Ladder! How come we cannot view the ladder from within the game! This games is known for competition and we cannot even view it from the game!
-Bring back the PM mail system! I really miss PMing people and leaving messages that way!
-Allow us to view what skills, runes, and items we have already unlocked via the skill list window? Maybe add tabs to it to view this information.
-I find it hard because my character slots are filled because I am using some to get my skills I need, so I cannot make a new character just to see what I need. Sometimes you can overlook a skill on the websites. So why not just let us see what we need!
-Allow us to rearrange people in the party window so healers can focus on dedicated people. I know we can form a party in order, but sometimes there is a change in strategy so someone has to switch their character, and the party window can start to look bad.
-In-game Ladder! How come we cannot view the ladder from within the game! This games is known for competition and we cannot even view it from the game!
-Bring back the PM mail system! I really miss PMing people and leaving messages that way!