[AUCTION] Perfect Godly Gold Hammer
That's a pretty high starting bid for a hammer. I def can't afford it.
That is a fairly good hammer, but it doesnt have a suffix. You should add a Hammer Grip of something to it to make it better. My hammer, this is really cool, actually adds +13% damage with no drawback! I think it was a bug with an update or something, because it used to give -5 energy before one of the more major updates :P
But I doubt you will get 50k for that, maybe 10k.
But I doubt you will get 50k for that, maybe 10k.
Originally Posted by VonGimli
That is a fairly good hammer, but it doesnt have a suffix. You should add a Hammer Grip of something to it to make it better. My hammer, this is really cool, actually adds +13% damage with no drawback! I think it was a bug with an update or something, because it used to give -5 energy before one of the more major updates :P
But I doubt you will get 50k for that, maybe 10k. 10k? ur obviously a newb at this game, but yes u can probably get aroud 30-50k .
But I doubt you will get 50k for that, maybe 10k. 10k? ur obviously a newb at this game, but yes u can probably get aroud 30-50k .
I bought a 19-35 13 req hammer with +4 vamp and +19% chance for +1 to hammer skills for 40k.
just fyi.
just fyi.
i have good luck on getting good hammers. First I found a18-33 with +15% > 50 health early on, which made me trying out the hammer skills. Then I bought a perfect hammer just like this one for 2k, was lucky to see the person selling it in LA, couldn't believe it, of course bought it right away. Then I bought a hammer with +30hp for 5k and successfully salvage the grip to put in my perfect hammer, so 7k for a perfect hammer is pretty good.
What's the big deal? Just buy a shocking upgrade (around 1k right?) to the 10-20k hammer and now it's worth 40-50k? Are people unaware that you can override upgrades or am I just missing something?
charlyb, find Corath's shocking upgrade, add it in, and get your money
charlyb, find Corath's shocking upgrade, add it in, and get your money

Same hammer w/ 9 req+ 5k for it
same as in that it is a twin hammer w/ 15%
same as in that it is a twin hammer w/ 15%
erm ill bid 25k if you decide to lower starting bid.
Since when do the upgrades matter unless they're perfect Vampiric/Fortitude/etc? You can overwrite any upgrade you want with another...
Originally Posted by Kriegar
Since when do the upgrades matter unless they're perfect Vampiric/Fortitude/etc? You can overwrite any upgrade you want with another...
Exactly my point. If an item's value is decreased 30k just because it has earth damage, you can pretty much just ignore that and replace it pretty much immediately after you buy it. Just go to LA dist 1 and look for any non-ebon upgrade.
This has almost the same mods (different type of hammer, don't know if that's a big factor) except it has 1% less than max for the bonus dmg, and it looks to be worth at least 30k.
Sorry I'm not placing a bid (not a warrior), but it seems crazy that some people actually think this is worth 10k.
This has almost the same mods (different type of hammer, don't know if that's a big factor) except it has 1% less than max for the bonus dmg, and it looks to be worth at least 30k.
Sorry I'm not placing a bid (not a warrior), but it seems crazy that some people actually think this is worth 10k.

Let's try not to put prices on things that aren't ours fellas. Bought a diff one i retract my bid.

<----- Ign
<----- Ign
Lominus Exodus
<----- IGN
<----- IGN
36k same ign
Lominus Exodus
I retract..Noticed the 60H remaining..
40k, ign = xeon knight
50K. Ign: Lan Sleepy
PM me too if I win the bid, or add in friend since i constantly change alt in game.
PM me too if I win the bid, or add in friend since i constantly change alt in game.
51k same ign
55k gold
60k same
66k gold
considering knight is now banned, im guessing his bids no longer count so i bid 61k.
62k banned lol
63k, im gonna win this