Pet Problem
So I've done this Quest and gotten one of them panther type pets.
but now I want a new pet.. if I bring my charm animal skill I can't charm it because it says I already have a pet.. how do I solve this ?
but now I want a new pet.. if I bring my charm animal skill I can't charm it because it says I already have a pet.. how do I solve this ?
drop off the animal at a tamer
Fair enough, though.. I've never encountered a tamer.. I'm still in Pre-searing with my Ranger now, is there one around there ?
find ranger nente, he's right by him
Originally Posted by Gerbill
Fair enough, though.. I've never encountered a tamer.. I'm still in Pre-searing with my Ranger now, is there one around there ?

Ahh kk thx, got it

Sorry for the double post, but if I edit it it would probably forget to draw attention 
I was wondering in Pre searing how can one charm a bear..
I've tried with a party member tanking it, but the break charm skill works from a distance.

I was wondering in Pre searing how can one charm a bear..
I've tried with a party member tanking it, but the break charm skill works from a distance.
And, for future reference, in post-sear, he'll be right outside ascalon city, same name.
you cannoit charm a bear until lornar's pass
it have occured to me erlier that its a bit stange that u ahve to go to a trainer to get rid
of the pet. its just not logical, if its ure pet its ure pet..
would be much easyer if they just made a command like: /releasepet, /killpet or a button
the simplest thing might just be to edit the ranger skill u use for gettin one.
of the pet. its just not logical, if its ure pet its ure pet..
would be much easyer if they just made a command like: /releasepet, /killpet or a button
the simplest thing might just be to edit the ranger skill u use for gettin one.
his name is Jarrel the tamer...
though i suspect he's a glue factory owner.
though i suspect he's a glue factory owner.
Pets suck anyway. Why would you want to do your bidding through an incompetant NPC with horrible AI and that isn't as effective as your bow and arrows?
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Pets suck anyway. Why would you want to do your bidding through an incompetant NPC with horrible AI and that isn't as effective as your bow and arrows?

Ah, the pet haters are out again. Don't listen to them. ^_^
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Look at a pet as a weapon, not a henchman. If you expect to throw the poor animal out there without any points in Beastmastery and with no pet skills on your bar, then expect it to suck. Nobody said you get to play two fully-functional characters just by having Charm Animal on your bar.
A warrior with no points in Hammer Mastery and no hammer skills would expect to suck with a hammer. Same with a beastmaster.
If you put points into Beastmastery, and correctly use the proper skills, a pet can be just as useful as anything else, including a bow.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Look at a pet as a weapon, not a henchman. If you expect to throw the poor animal out there without any points in Beastmastery and with no pet skills on your bar, then expect it to suck. Nobody said you get to play two fully-functional characters just by having Charm Animal on your bar.
A warrior with no points in Hammer Mastery and no hammer skills would expect to suck with a hammer. Same with a beastmaster.
If you put points into Beastmastery, and correctly use the proper skills, a pet can be just as useful as anything else, including a bow.
My pet has saved my butt many times. If you use them right they can be very effective. I'd rather have my pet than some of the henchmen or players for that matter.
my pet is a tank, not really to take dmg (although he holds his own) and certainly not to do it (I don't even see the baddies life bar fluctuate) but to draw attention off me and distract the other. I can usually keep him in decent shape while I'm casting my ele bombs on whoever I'm fighting. although I discovered last night that his size is a bad distraction to warriors who party with me...
I have a level 15 moa bird, and he goes wherever I go. His name is Geoffrey
I have a level 15 moa bird, and he goes wherever I go. His name is Geoffrey

Pets are fine, though they need a boost in late game. I took my level 18 wolf through Lornar's Pass and he had a very tough time when a worm would turn on him. A bit more armour wouldn't hurt them, perhaps the equivalent to good ranger armour (I'd think the fur lined stuff for wolves and bears and warthogs, since they are fur coated, the drakescale for lizards, possibly the studded or something for the spider) to make them a little tougher. Or warrior equivalent, as that is their role in the party. My wolf however essentially soloed a level 22 Imp while we dealt with the rest of the group - I spammed his predatory attack whenever it refreshed for a quick 40 health heal on him and used his Feral attack to cause bleeding and add damage, with the occaisional comfort animal thrown in. I was busy shooting arrows at a Worm, interrupting spells and so on, but it is good to know that with 4 slots running the wolf did alright vs a higher level foe. I believe I had about 11 beastmastery at the time.
As to bears, they can be charmed pre-searing, it's just really tough. You need the right people doing it - it must include a Warrior monk with Bane signet and Hammer Bash to keep the bear down long enough to get the spell off, and I believe a necromancer spell to slow the bear's attacks - since it goes into a long animation for the brutal mauling you have to time it to use that animation as part of the non-charm-breaking time, then knock the bear down repeatedly. If your timing is good an luck prevails you can get a presearing black bear.
As to bears, they can be charmed pre-searing, it's just really tough. You need the right people doing it - it must include a Warrior monk with Bane signet and Hammer Bash to keep the bear down long enough to get the spell off, and I believe a necromancer spell to slow the bear's attacks - since it goes into a long animation for the brutal mauling you have to time it to use that animation as part of the non-charm-breaking time, then knock the bear down repeatedly. If your timing is good an luck prevails you can get a presearing black bear.
I've played with a ranger in Elona's who's wolf pet was an excellent tank, it murdered about as many monsters as many of the other members in the party, it consistently tanked one or two melee critters, it was great.
I probably healed IT more than my team mates
The reason you have to take it to a tamer to get rid of it is because the pet is tied with your toon pretty deeply, ie, you can always get it back if you decide not to take it for awhile, easy to ress, gains level etc.
This would make it hard to get rid of just with your own character, there has to be some kind of switch that deletes your connection to the pet in the database. Hence, the animal trainer.
There should be more pets, however, and they really can use a bit more armor. I'm not saying AL 85+20, but it'd be nice if they got about 60 or 65 or so, so they don't die in two blows in the later areas.
I probably healed IT more than my team mates

The reason you have to take it to a tamer to get rid of it is because the pet is tied with your toon pretty deeply, ie, you can always get it back if you decide not to take it for awhile, easy to ress, gains level etc.
This would make it hard to get rid of just with your own character, there has to be some kind of switch that deletes your connection to the pet in the database. Hence, the animal trainer.

There should be more pets, however, and they really can use a bit more armor. I'm not saying AL 85+20, but it'd be nice if they got about 60 or 65 or so, so they don't die in two blows in the later areas.
Originally Posted by Creston
it'd be nice if they got about 60 or 65 or so, so they don't die in two blows in the later areas.
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Pets suck anyway. Why would you want to do your bidding through an incompetant NPC with horrible AI and that isn't as effective as your bow and arrows?
12 Beastmastery 10.6 DPS from Pet
12 Beastmastery + Call of Haste , 14.1 DPS from Pet.
4 skill slots occupied. Charm, Comfort, C of Prot, C of Haste.
4 Skill slots left
1 Prep
2 Defense
3 Attack skill
4 Team skill ( Resurrect, Well of Blood, etc etc)
Pet tanks well for PvE, Call of Haste seems to be creating more aggros on Pet...weird. And yes, their armor level is 60 at level 20. And the bear can be charmed in Lornars Pass, which is out from what is it again, Borlis Pass (cant remember right now)
You can only have one prep open at any given time. You can have 2 attack skills going and one team skill. If you drop the team skill, bring another prep for different type mobs.
Anyway, thats the definition of suck. Some might like it, some might not. So does it suck ?
Algren Cole
my only problem with my pet is that he levels quicker than I do 
My wolf was a lvl14 about 4 hours worth of gameplay before I was.
p.s. My wolf kicks ass and I'd never think of leaving home without him

My wolf was a lvl14 about 4 hours worth of gameplay before I was.
p.s. My wolf kicks ass and I'd never think of leaving home without him
Do wolves grow as they gain in level?
all pets increase in physical size as they gain level's. You take your level 20 wolf/snow wolf and compare the size to a level 5 one and you'll see a marked difference.
Epinephrine - that trick to charm bears pre-searing doesn't work anymore. You used to be able to do that, but ANet made it so that you can't charm bears pre-searing anymore no matter what you try.
Don't really know why to be honest - the bear isn't any more powerful than any of the other pets you can get.. *shrugs* I would love for them to re-enable getting the bear as well as enabling getting the moss spiders as well. Not that I'd choose them.. but just for the wider choice of pets for rangers to choose from.
Epinephrine - that trick to charm bears pre-searing doesn't work anymore. You used to be able to do that, but ANet made it so that you can't charm bears pre-searing anymore no matter what you try.
Don't really know why to be honest - the bear isn't any more powerful than any of the other pets you can get.. *shrugs* I would love for them to re-enable getting the bear as well as enabling getting the moss spiders as well. Not that I'd choose them.. but just for the wider choice of pets for rangers to choose from.
Originally Posted by kamatsu
I would love for them to re-enable getting the bear as well as enabling getting the moss spiders as well. Not that I'd choose them.. but just for the wider choice of pets for rangers to choose from.

Can any build have a pet? wich ones can? I want one!!
Originally Posted by Savio
I want Joe!
![]() |
Originally Posted by PanicAcid
Can any build have a pet? wich ones can? I want one!!
the necromancer gets bone horrors

oh and too the devourer pet yes i want one :@ and allong with it a new skill
"devourer trap" for 15-60 seconds pet is burrowed under ground when a enemy walks into its aggro zone it burrows up and attacks that enemy"

ive been lugging around a devourer egg from pre-sear FOR AGES waitin fer it to hatch....
hasnt yet
not giving up hope though.....whats one slot in the inventory for a little hope?

hasnt yet

not giving up hope though.....whats one slot in the inventory for a little hope?
Originally Posted by ratatass
Definition of suck:
12 Beastmastery 10.6 DPS from Pet 12 Beastmastery + Call of Haste , 14.1 DPS from Pet. 4 skill slots occupied. Charm, Comfort, C of Prot, C of Haste. 4 Skill slots left 1 Prep 2 Defense 3 Attack skill 4 Team skill ( Resurrect, Well of Blood, etc etc) Pet tanks well for PvE, Call of Haste seems to be creating more aggros on Pet...weird. And yes, their armor level is 60 at level 20. And the bear can be charmed in Lornars Pass, which is out from what is it again, Borlis Pass (cant remember right now) You can only have one prep open at any given time. You can have 2 attack skills going and one team skill. If you drop the team skill, bring another prep for different type mobs. Anyway, thats the definition of suck. Some might like it, some might not. So does it suck ? Ratatass |
If you use a pet, you need to use more than 4 skills. Imagine it as your primary weapon. If you go for a quickshot build or incendiary arrows, you use more than 4 skills.
1 Prep
3 Attack skill
Those 2 better not be for your arrows. Only exception is something like poison arrow.
I hope that's through your pet with 12+ beastmastery. Each of those is +18 at 12 beastmastery with 5 second cooldown. Some can cause conditions, interrupt, etc. Scavenger strike is +30 cooldown 5 if target has a condition. So at +20, it's +4 dps and at +30, that's +6 dps. Ferocious strike is +25 every 8 seconds so add another +3 dps or so.
Also, add to that that the damage from the pet is in ADDITION to what you yourself do.
Personally, I'm R/Me.
One fun build is 13 beastmastery, 8 domination with a 12-22 chaos damage scepter.
The following build I don't even use Call Prot, replace with Predator's pounce. More damage and has healing at cost of prot.
So something like Call Haste, Comfort, Charm, Scavenger strike, Ferocious Strike(energy regen), Predator's Pounce, Troll unguent, disrupting lunge.
Pet doing 14.1(poster's message, not sure if entirely accurate).
Then you add in scavenger strike for +4 or +6 dps, ferocious strike for +3 plus energy regen for unlimited energy, predator's pounce, another +3 dps. Then you add my own wand at about 16 every 2 seconds so 8 dps. That comes out to 32.1 or 34.1 dps approximately. It's pretty good stuff. More than whatever prep you can put on your arrows. That rivals warriors and eles if not more.
Or you go with the straight arrow build using something like poison arrow. That way, with scavenger strike, it's guaranteed +30 every 5 seconds in addition to the degen and arrow damage from you that you expect.
So something like, Call Prot, Call Haste, Comfort, Charm, Scavenger strike, Apply poison, Troll unguent, disrupting lunge or predator's pounce(saves you energy instead of casting the more expensive comfort.)
Only thing with this build is that it's slightly more energy intensive. I get expertise to about 9 so it's 6 for scavenger strike and 3 for everything else.
Stop treating it like some extra addon and instead as an equipped weapon. At 2 beastmastery and no attack skills of course it'll die and not do damage.
help me plz
Originally Posted by Gerbill
So I've done this Quest and gotten one of them panther type pets.
but now I want a new pet.. if I bring my charm animal skill I can't charm it because it says I already have a pet.. how do I solve this ? |