Objective: Eliminate all Pre-Searing Charr.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005



Arthyr Adraeus charged forth into the fray and saved Ascalon from destruction.

I killed all the Charr in Pre-Searing Ascalon, I swear! (353 KB; 1024x819)

Charr: Red Eye the Unholy Jaw Smokeskin Blaze Bloodbane Ghast Ashphyre 30 Charr Blade Storms
  • 20 (est.) Charr Shamans 20 (est.) Charr Hunters 20 (est.) Charr Chaots 5 (est.) Charr Ashen Claws I was able to cross a bridge which led to the entrance/exit for the North Wall mission in Post-Searing Ascalon. I've updated the creature estimates. The path to the quad obelisk tower is blocked by the Charr camp shown in the screenshot.

    Anyone have strategies for Charr hunting in Pre-Searing Ascalon? I think a L10 M/Ne and L10 E/Ne would stand a fighting chance.
  • baroqueworks

    Frost Gate Guardian

    Join Date: May 2005

    The Silent Hand [TSH]


    how did you get there?



    Ascalonian Squire

    Join Date: May 2005

    sweet! I tried getting back there a few times but gave up. How exactly did you manage to get back there?


    Academy Page

    Join Date: Jun 2005



    After searching these forums a bit, I found a few GWG members had posted screenshots of clearing out the area. Two Monk/Rangers (L6/L7) can do the job, but I gather that death is inevitable unless you're at a higher level and extremely talented and lucky.

    If you want to explore behind enemy lines, watch the Charr patrol patterns in the minimap. You'll also find patrols of Grawl. These are far easier than the Charr horde.

    Sir Skullcrasher

    Sir Skullcrasher

    Furnace Stoker

    Join Date: Jun 2005


    15 over 50 [Rare]


    well, i did a quest similar to killing these charrs. It was for the Altheas Ashes (bad spelling) well there were about 25 to 30 charrs guarding the ashes. It took me (level 11 W/E and a level 12 N/E) to kill most of the charrs. But we run into problems. Those damn shaman who keep healing the charrs while they attacked up. We pretty much stop after getting a 35% DP so i run up the stair and grab the ashes and die.. it was fun.

    You got at least 3 bosses to deal with and boat load of charr blade/axe storm; good thing there is no shaman around or it will take you long time to kill those charrs.

    Good luck dude!



    Frost Gate Guardian

    Join Date: Apr 2005

    Toronto, Canada

    Saints of Sin [SAS]


    skul, the best way to do it is to have an ele, aoe and bomb the ****tards lol...then u lure and kill.



    Desert Nomad

    Join Date: May 2005


    Seers of Serpents [SoS]


    I have managed to clear the entire map of charrs over the north wall in pre searing with my R/W who got to lvl 12 before i got bored after the last patch and went to post. The thing was i could do it solo except the door part where i got pple to get me in and to map out.

    Groups consisting of more than 2 hunters are the most irritating while other charr combo can be easily dealt with. The bosses are easily to kill once you lure and kill off the patrols then the charr blade storms on each side of the altar. Once they are gone just pick off the bosses one by one by luring with bow and "sever" anf "Gash" combo. Usually charr groups have either chase or guard modes depending on areas and depending on what sort of modes they are on, there are different targets for luring to kill the group one at a time or cause them to lose path finding points once you lure them far enough from their point of guard.

    So far i find the R/W combo the best to clear the map of charrs in pre searing and i suppose that is also mainly the reason why hi damage bows and swords in Pre searing fetch a high price as well. Hope this helps.


    Academy Page

    Join Date: Jun 2005


    I did it awhile back, well, me and another guy. I'm Ions the Bishop at level 7.

    It was way too time consuming though. We later explored the whole thing.


    Academy Page

    Join Date: May 2005

    I did it with a Monk/Mesmer and a Warr/Ele
    I healed/protected him while he nuked and fought