20 Upgrades For Sale
Make your bids, minimum of 100gp increments.
Please post IGN with bid.
Current Bids:
1 - 100gp Sheila Kree
2 - 800gp MCS
3 - 1000gp Jarlaxle Baenre X
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 - 200gp Selene Lucis
11 - 900gp Avenge Death
12 -
13 -
14 - 1000gp Merl Juana
15 - 1000gp Atomos The Void / Minerva Mink
16 - 500gp Dhaos Soulbane
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 - 200gp Jarlaxle Baenre X
I will be closing bidding on Friday, June 16 at 6am central time. Anything not bid on by then goes to the poor people that suffered the devistation of Ascalon. Poor refugees!
on #1 i will offer 100g in game name sheila kree or email at [email protected]
Avenge Death
ill do #11 for 500g. IGN is Avenge Death. ill be on tomorrow until 2pm central. im in the navy. u can also email me at [email protected]
Blubberries can take #3, I got a free one from a guildmate.
EDIT: I'll also buy #20 for 200 gold.
IGN: Jarlaxle Baenre X
EDIT: I'll also buy #20 for 200 gold.
IGN: Jarlaxle Baenre X
Kobun King
1 plat IGN: Atomos The Void/Minerva Mink.
1 plat IGN: Atomos The Void/Minerva Mink.
600 For #3
IGN - Selene Lucis
2 - 200g
10 - 200g
2 - 200g
10 - 200g
14 ill go 1k ingame merl juana
Unheard Echo
#11 for 750, Chaos Herald in game
900 for #3
IGN : Tasha Babe
IGN : Tasha Babe
Daily bump.
All bids are closed I will get ahold of the winners in game as soon as humanly possible.
1.2k for #14
1.1k for#3