Perfect and near perfect upgrades(for bows, swords and hammer)
Da Cebuano
Please, no low blow offers, I do know what people are selling them for in game. Each item has a hidden reserve(nothing under 30k), so GL.
Current offer on vamp bowstring is 50k ingame, although he said he will contact later soon.......
TY for your patronage.
Sundering Bow String sold ingame
Pommel of fortitude sold for 60K! ingame
C/O on hammer haft is 80k
Vamp string in reserve for 50k(will pull out of reserve for higher bidder)
~anyway, dont hate, we're all in this to make money right?
thoros of myr
thoros of myr
nm found another 1
Divine Elemental
#6 500 gp
30k on #6
Silenced Ranger
#3 2k
hidden reserve nothing under 30k? did you mean to say nothing over 30k?
bee65n these upgrades are top of the line they worth 20k+ all of them
20k+ I could argue with but see valid point. However, reserve prices are meant to be lower than their actual worth, and I would definitely argue that some of these are worth under 30k (vamp +4/-1 for example)
then dont buy it from him hes not begging you 2 buy his items. he can sell it for w/e price he wants nothing you can do about it.