15 Jun 2005 at 23:18 - 46
Ok this is the last time I post in a forum, I swear, but if you have ever read anything a-net has ever said about GW you will know that this thread is quite pointless, as far as what you keep saying over and over.
There won't be a raised lvl cap.
There will not be a new class (any time soon)
There will be new skills that may implement new class styles, but new classes would just cause there to be to much overlap between already existing classes and then there would be more outcasts like rangers mesmers and necro's.
Someone mentioned that there was only one melee class and that by adding rogues, there would be more strategy, I would suggest playing the game a little more. Yes it is true there is only one melee primary, but a w/mo is completely different than a w/e and so by having a second profession there are 5 warrior primary's and then you can have even more melee classes that are warrior secondary.
If they put in rogues, like you keep saying, what you'll get a class that's not as good as a warrior, and a class thats not even as good as a ranger, and rangers are already, unfortunately, usually excluded from most pvp groups.
During beta a-net did hint at some things that they may consider for expansions, which included added character slots, because their would be the possiblity of new races (I'm thinking about Shiverpeak Dwarves, or possibly those snake looking things from the desert). Their will deffinitely be new skills and by adding new missions, you may not need more xp, but with new areas and missions comes new items such as armor and weapons, artifacts and ankh's. I imagine they will add new crafting materials for the new armor's, new char customization options. As an avid rpg fan, I would love new missions solely to continue the story even if it served no other purpose than to provide a few more hours to my solo gaming.
I imagine new guild options, pvp arena's, group sizes, and many other GvG and PvP options could also be added. Seeing as how i'm not a game developer I don't have much idea as to what is possible within the gaming realm but,
I do know that a-net has already proven they are a dedicated bunch of designers and gamers, and will not put the game at risk of losing it's luster, gameplay, or community.
ps. and that means there will not be any lvl cap raises.