Figure'd you guys would know best, a guildie handed me one of these a few weeks ago, the market commodity watch seems to believe its around 8k, which seems reasonable, but its not been updated in some time, and the best I can find by searching the boards is a fortitude grip +21 =P
Anyone who can give me a rough estimate, it would be greatly appricated.
[Price Check] Foritude Hammer Grip +30
Lominus Exodus
Its Hammer...wont get more than 50k IMO
Yeah. I got mine for 2k once. Used it on a crappy hammer.. salvaged it.. got Iron ingots.. BLAH!
I agree with the guy above me though.. 50k-70k about.
I agree with the guy above me though.. 50k-70k about.
bought mine for 10k
Lominus Exodus
I will give you 30k for it.