less complaining, more gaming...
petition: evertime somebody wants to complain he should use his energy to log into tyria and help a random player from one outpost to another - implement some rpging if you like.
several reasons for this:
1) we won't have to discuss the same stuff over and over or listen to people crying about the fact that they need to play the game in order to enjoy it...
2) posting won't unlock ANYTHING, playing provides a way higher chance to do so. ^^
3) the journey with a random player (pick one with a real name (pre- & lastname, non of this l33tcrap) will help you accept, that the only way a game will totally satisfy yourself is to create one yourself. who ever coded / modeled & animated himself will know how much work it takes to create a world like tyria.
4) see no.1
this is not meant to offend anybody -- i just want to point out that a lot of time is wasted with complaining about things that can't be changed by doing so - tyria is more than a simple game - every single player brings his emotions into the world and that's where scams start to hurt or people behaving like jerks are actually able to be as annoying as they intent to because the attachment to the gameworld itself gets bigger than in a spg.
the important thing is just to play - if you wait for the golden drop you will get disappointed - just play and every golden drop will be far more enjoyable.
enough now - have fun travelling through tyria ^^
several reasons for this:
1) we won't have to discuss the same stuff over and over or listen to people crying about the fact that they need to play the game in order to enjoy it...
2) posting won't unlock ANYTHING, playing provides a way higher chance to do so. ^^
3) the journey with a random player (pick one with a real name (pre- & lastname, non of this l33tcrap) will help you accept, that the only way a game will totally satisfy yourself is to create one yourself. who ever coded / modeled & animated himself will know how much work it takes to create a world like tyria.
4) see no.1
this is not meant to offend anybody -- i just want to point out that a lot of time is wasted with complaining about things that can't be changed by doing so - tyria is more than a simple game - every single player brings his emotions into the world and that's where scams start to hurt or people behaving like jerks are actually able to be as annoying as they intent to because the attachment to the gameworld itself gets bigger than in a spg.
the important thing is just to play - if you wait for the golden drop you will get disappointed - just play and every golden drop will be far more enjoyable.
enough now - have fun travelling through tyria ^^
I'm bored with Tyria. I don't feel like being bored AND partying with incompetant people at the same time. That's enough to give you an aneurism.
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
I'm bored with Tyria. I don't feel like being bored AND partying with incompetant people at the same time. That's enough to give you an aneurism.
"I do not like this game, so I am going to stick around on this forum and cause flame wars..I'll just attempt to get everyone annoyed, and refuse to listen when they mention that there are already 9000+ topics on the subject.. meanwhile, I shall continue to 'grind my way through this crappy game.' "
If you're that bored, just go and buy a FPS.
Edit: I will not post again in this topic..I am just getting so annoyed with the sheer amount of 'grind topics'
..This thread seemed to be well put together, and I apologise for my reply..However, I do want to know what makes someone stick around like this despite disliking the game..
some people may lack skill... others just experience and knowledge.
i don't mind spending time on teaching other people if they are willing to listen, i know some people don't but this thread is not to collect more complains ^^
my english may be too poor but i thought an aneurysm is a local accumulation of bloodvessels in an arteria - my medicinal knowledge isn't the greatest...
i am trying to see how tyria can be boring except in times where you need to find some good people for the next mission and everything else is done for hours already - but somehow i always find a way to meet someone new or get to another secluded part of the world which looks just amazing. maybe i can't get bored cause i am living a personal rpg in there...
somehow i feel sorry for you to be bored already; maybe we meet someday...
edit: thread mentally closed -- thanks mimu, i see you got what i was aiming at - everyone grab an ALE!
i don't mind spending time on teaching other people if they are willing to listen, i know some people don't but this thread is not to collect more complains ^^
my english may be too poor but i thought an aneurysm is a local accumulation of bloodvessels in an arteria - my medicinal knowledge isn't the greatest...
i am trying to see how tyria can be boring except in times where you need to find some good people for the next mission and everything else is done for hours already - but somehow i always find a way to meet someone new or get to another secluded part of the world which looks just amazing. maybe i can't get bored cause i am living a personal rpg in there...
somehow i feel sorry for you to be bored already; maybe we meet someday...
edit: thread mentally closed -- thanks mimu, i see you got what i was aiming at - everyone grab an ALE!
Originally Posted by Mimu
I never understood this mentality..
.. |
Have you ever had a bad christmas?.. you wait all year for what I supposed to the best day of the year.. and it all goes wrong.. and all you have to do is complain.......................but you still take the presents and still eat the food!

Ok.. maybe you've bought a new car.. you love the way it drives, you love the way it looks.. you love everything about it and want to keep it........... but its just not as fast as you thought it would be.. or just isnt practicle.. you feel let down, but you stick at it and give it another chance moaning on the way.
EVERYONE LOVES GUILDWARS... the graphics are gorgeous, breathtaking.. the combat system is great, we waited for years trying the beta weekends getting more and more exited.... and then its released. One month later.. you still love the game, but it isnt what you thought it would be, you see the potential the game has.. you see how brilliant and life consuming it COULD be and BEFORE you give up on it completly you try and do everything to give it a chance..
This includes moaning on forums! I really dont want to give up on GW, but if they dont listen to the complaints.... it will be discarded like an old Betamax player.
I wouldnt get stressed about it dude.. we all want this game to be the best ever, and we know the ways this can be acheived,.. but at the moment it feels like we've taken delivery of a brand new sports car with two flat tyres and no way to fix it!
These moanings and groanings are just frustrated players who want Guildwars to succeed.. at the moment our guild is losing members quickly to other games.. and we feel cheated a bit.
sorry for the negativeness (sp) I'm a die-hard positive GW'er myself.. but my friends and members are disapearing.. if nothing is done soon then GW will only be played when new content arrives... which will be once or twice a year

The Snowman
Tell this to the many farmers and botters. They rush through the game so that they can farm or bot screwing up the economy for others in the process. And they cry and whine whenever their exploits are stopped.
Kuku Monk
Wouldn't this game be so much more pleasant if message boards didn't exist....

Originally Posted by Kuku Monk
Wouldn't this game be so much more pleasant if message boards didn't exist....
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I see why people want to make suggestions, but the fact that they have gotten to the point of telling the devs how to remake the game to be what they want rather than what it was created to be is just beyond a joke. They should be thankful for the work that has been done so far and more thankful that the devs are willing to impliment changes and fixes as readily as they are.
I very much agree with the first post. There's some amazingly fun people on Guild Wars, you just have to look past the not so great ones. The thing I find amusing is that the people who complain so much about the game are the ones that the nice people don't want to team up with and laugh at as they get more frustrated.
I went and did a couple of missions three or four times with one character to help people with bonuses and things, and was very grateful when someone did the same for me. It literally took us no more than 2 minutes once to find an awesome group for one of the missions and everyone had a blast.
People need to get their priorities straight in regards to why they play games at all. They also need to stop the spoiled child act, just because a number of suggestions have gone ahead doesn't mean they all will, or that the majority of players wants them. Trying to tell people how to remodel their own creation in your image is a terrible insult in any situation.
So go and help people out for once, maybe someone will be able to remind you of how to have some lighthearted fun.
/Agreed. There is much more better things about the game, compared to it's flaws.
On a side note. I know you're just making an anology, and probably a false one, but..
Never ever complain on Christmas!
On a side note. I know you're just making an anology, and probably a false one, but..
Originally Posted by Snowman
Have you ever had a bad christmas?.. you wait all year for what I supposed to the best day of the year.. and it all goes wrong.. and all you have to do is complain.......................but you still take the presents and still eat the food!
![]() |

Christmas NEVER goes wrong, as long as I get atleast one bottle of Whisky..

Cap'n Hoek
Originally Posted by Snowman
Ok.. maybe you've bought a new car.. you love the way it drives, you love the way it looks.. you love everything about it and want to keep it........... but its just not as fast as you thought it would be.. or just isnt practicle.. you feel let down, but you stick at it and give it another chance moaning on the way. The Snowman |
Kinda like that?
Legitimate complaints and suggestions are fine, but some people really do seem to spend all their time being nothing but negative. I agree - instead of spending 10 hours 'farming' to make pots of money why not, instead, help out the many people who are crying out for groups to help them complete quests/missions etc. ? Not only will it be more sociable than constantly grinding/griping but you might just have some fun too. You might even find the satisfaction you get from helping real people achieve their goals is more enjoyable than farming for hours for some virtual sword/staff/rune.
Or ...
You're a shiftless loser whose mother came to school to breast feed you.
You are so used to being spoonfed that throwing tantrums and whining is all you know how to do.
The idea of using any of your own energy to help someone else is unthinkable.
I do think GW, or any game for that matter, would be better if each person helped one other at least once when they played.
You're a shiftless loser whose mother came to school to breast feed you.
You are so used to being spoonfed that throwing tantrums and whining is all you know how to do.
The idea of using any of your own energy to help someone else is unthinkable.

I do think GW, or any game for that matter, would be better if each person helped one other at least once when they played.

Originally Posted by hydrak
Tell this to the many farmers and botters. They rush through the game so that they can farm or bot screwing up the economy for others in the process. And they cry and whine whenever their exploits are stopped.
Originally Posted by Greentongue
Or ...
You're a shiftless loser whose mother came to school to breast feed you. You are so used to being spoonfed that throwing tantrums and whining is all you know how to do. The idea of using any of your own energy to help someone else is unthinkable. I do think GW, or any game for that matter, would be better if each person helped one other at least once when they played. |
So here are some answers to your questions from someone who farms, someone who beat the game within a week, someone who generally doesn't like to teach people how to pee standing up, and someone who will offer negative criticism on these forums:
1) Players get better as you help them and always benefit from the tutelage of skilled veteran players.
Nope. I once posted that every mission you complete, every quest you do, you're helping a bad player get farther in the game. You can counter with "if you teach people they won't be bad!" Not so. Bad players can be the guy who really wants to use his new rare weapon. They can be the guy who calls everything gay or homo. They can be the guy who simply will never get the hang of camera controls and thus can never be anywhere but in the middle of a group. They can be the guy who thinks he's a great monk and really isn't. They can be the guy who can't take instruction because he's invested in ego.
It doesn't matter who much *knowledge* I impart to a player. Some people are beyond learning or redemption. I limit my conversations to veteran players who impress me in some way. As a result, my sanity has recovered a bit.
2) Helping newbies through the game increases the number of people in PvP and in endgame.
Technically, yes. But I don't *want* to take the "leet pyromancar" through Hell's Precipice, where he's useless until the final fight. I don't want to take the sword warrior with the fiery dragon sword. I don't want to take the necro with a purple chaos axe who says "lolz omg look at me I gotz a purpal chaos axe! ^_^"
I want skilled players to make it to the end of the game and to the tournament arena. It is not my job to teach players how to be skilled--that should be your goal as a player. I want to group with elementalists who can look at their skills and know why to choose air for this mission without me having to tell them.
I play to have fun. While part of having fun is playing against skilled players, it is not my burden to raise these people. Skilled players create themselves, coddling them only spoils them for when they need to be independant, quick-thinking, and lightning-reflexed.
3) Helping people is profitable!
Not really. I give lots of overpowered items or stacks of materials to friends. In return I sometimes get kickbacks, sometimes not. I'm nice to them for its own sake. Running the Ascalon, Northern Shiverpeaks, Kryta, Maguuma, or even Crystal Desert missions is not profitable for me. If I'm going to do something for profit I'm either going to go somewhere I need eight level 20s or go somewhere solo.
4) Complaining about things never helps! It's just negative and a strain on the community!
Discussion is about opposing viewpoints. Without dissent, we might as well just all sit around and play Pong and agree that it's good, or at least not bad, or at least could be worse, and immerse ourselves in some form of ersatz contentment. Many (not all) players who offer negative criticism are still constructive and helpful in doing so. Talking about features you don't like is a good thing: it lets the game designers know what's popular and what's not. Giving negative feedback can also give them insight into how things might work or what might work better. This isn't Carebear Wars, so I don't see why people feel the need to walk on eggshells and compliment each other about every step they take.
5) Farmers are assholes who destroyed the economy and don't like playing the game! Burn them! Burn them!
You die. I finished the game quickly, frequently avoiding mission bonuses and quests to do so. I did it because I was driven by the plot and because I would find groups worth staying in. People who didn't try to do Thunderhead Keep (which seems like an incredibly easy mission now that everyone has at least one person who's done it in their group) when there were maybe 18 people available at any time for the mission have no room to criticize the players who finished the game first. I didn't have five monks to choose from. Sometimes I was the only one. It was a lot harder, especially since mesmers and necros were so shunned in earlier missions and hadn't gotten that far yet. I farm when I'm bored, and I farm for the pleasure of peace and quiet. It's relaxing to me, and pretty much everything I farm I give to my guild. So don't judge nor criticize me simply because it's convinient. If you choose to do so in the future, please feel free to also tell me I'm fat, homosexual, jewish, have a small penis, and like to molest young boys. It's roughly the same thing, depending on what offends me.
[ ]
This thread is just turning into a "lets flamebait/flame those who have the opposite view" or a "let's complain about the complainers." Phaedrus has a very nice explanation, and I'll let that be the final word. Closed before war breaks out.