VERY basic question: How to split stacked items?
Blackwater Park
Edit: Nevermind, I was looking at it wrong. The dye trader only buys 1 dye at a time, not in quantity.
Original message:
I'm trying to sell dye to the dye trader. There are six silver dyes in the stack, and that quantity is listed when I drag them over to the traders little sell box. However, there are no quantity arrows, and I only want to sell three (broke). I can't figure out how to split them in inventory. I've tried every key-click combination and am at a loss. Asked in-game, no replies. Any idea guys?
Original message:
I'm trying to sell dye to the dye trader. There are six silver dyes in the stack, and that quantity is listed when I drag them over to the traders little sell box. However, there are no quantity arrows, and I only want to sell three (broke). I can't figure out how to split them in inventory. I've tried every key-click combination and am at a loss. Asked in-game, no replies. Any idea guys?
Kuku Monk
How did you get dye to stack in the first place???

Umm they stack just like picking up multiple Charr Hides, or how your other crafting materials stack??? Heck if I had two green dye in a bag and picked one up off the group last nite but when I checked my pack it wasn't there...I was like huh?? The screen log showed "you picked up Green Dye", so at first I thought maybe I was getting a lil lag and checked my pack again....still not there..WTF. So I checked my bag, low n behold the spot where the 2 greens were now showed 3 greens.
Swampgirl Inez
If for some reason you are stacking them manually, DO NOT double click them. Just drag and drop.
To clarify, dyes of the SAME COLOR will stack.
As for splitting stacks in general, everything I've heard says it can't be done. Quite a significant oversight, in my opinion; that kind of capability should be a given. It's amazing all the features a monthly fee apparently buys you.
You can, but you'll need a friend:
1.) Give your friend as much as you want of the stack, either via trade or by dropping outside
2.) Put your the rest of your stack in your stash
3.) Let the friend give you your items back
They won't be added to the stack automaticly, so you'll now have to splitted stacks!
1.) Give your friend as much as you want of the stack, either via trade or by dropping outside
2.) Put your the rest of your stack in your stash
3.) Let the friend give you your items back
They won't be added to the stack automaticly, so you'll now have to splitted stacks!
Kuku Monk
Hmm weird, my dyes haven't been stacking automatically... I'll try draggin them
Ardus Shadowmane
I don't understand why you would want to split up stacked items randomly anyway. Occasions when you would need to split them up already work to accomodate you. If you're trading with someone, it'll ask how many you want to put in the trade box.
Originally Posted by Ardus Shadowmane
I don't understand why you would want to split up stacked items randomly anyway.
Whoa! Dyes stack?? My vault is full of individual dyes of the same color! How do you stack them? Just drag one on top of another (without doubleclicking?) How come they don't stack automatically?
Lord Drenth
Originally Posted by Dazzler
Whoa! Dyes stack?? My vault is full of individual dyes of the same color! How do you stack them? Just drag one on top of another (without doubleclicking?) How come they don't stack automatically?
Yeah they stack. Just drag and drop.
As for selling the dyes to the trader, you only sell one at a time, best as I can tell.
Sell a dye, rinse and repeat 2 more times to sell 3 of 6.
Sir Maddox
I think Xunlai Agent should have arrows for item splitting akin to trading.
Originally Posted by Sir Maddox
I think Xunlai Agent should have arrows for item splitting akin to trading.
Ardus Shadowmane
But for trading between characters, it asks how many you would like to transfer to them. It doesn't automatically put the whole stacked pile in the trade box.
There is also the function, that if an item is valued differently than another equal item, it won't stack.
For example, silks from about 3 patches ago wont' stack with current silks because they are worth double the value (merchant sell price).
I'm not sure how this works with dyes, as all my dyes have always stacked smoothly, but I have positively seen it with silks and I believe, although cannot be positive, have seen it with other craft materials as well.
For example, silks from about 3 patches ago wont' stack with current silks because they are worth double the value (merchant sell price).
I'm not sure how this works with dyes, as all my dyes have always stacked smoothly, but I have positively seen it with silks and I believe, although cannot be positive, have seen it with other craft materials as well.
it would be nice if Xunlai just offered to give you "some" of the stack. When you deposit a stacked item she asks you how many you want to deposit, so why not when you take them out too?
Originally Posted by Ardus Shadowmane
I don't understand why you would want to split up stacked items randomly anyway. Occasions when you would need to split them up already work to accomodate you. If you're trading with someone, it'll ask how many you want to put in the trade box.
Here's a hint: leave your storage window open when running to the armor/merchant guy. It'll still be usuable. And vice versa. So you can actually transfer from storage to your backpack, all the while the merchant/armor window is up!
Not a bad trick. Though it makes me wonder, since that's possible, why not just have the storage window always available anywhere in town?
Ardus Shadowmane
Originally Posted by Stauf
Like someone said... transferring to other characters. Also, I keep a lot of matierials sitting in storage. It'd be helpful if I could just get exactly what I need for a certain armor or whatever, since sometimes the armor guy and the storage guy are far away from eachother and running back and forth is a pain. Like someone else mentioned, this seems like it would be a pretty basic feature.