Any interest in GvG tournaments?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Defiant Fist

First: Yes, I am aware that Arenanet plans to eventually have GvG tournaments on a large scale. No, they're not here yet, and no, we have no idea what kind of signup limitation there will be.

On to the actual question, any guilds interested in a GvG tournament? I won't advertise the tourney link here, as I certainly don't want to violate any posting rules or offend the Guru staff in any way. However, I know of no other reliable method to get the word out about the tournament (Arena.nets community site program seems... extremely busy, and there is little point in waiting). There are two guilds in play at the moment, I'd expect many many more would be interested.

If you want details, either email me or send over a PM.

Moderators: If this post violated your rules in any way, please send over an email so we can discuss how to get the word out to help the community have another alternative to PvP play.

Thanks guys



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Heros of Oakhurst - Leader


My Guild is interested but at the moment we are MORE interested in scrimages with other Guilds so that we can work on tactics and communication before we jump into the tournaments.

Guild is

Hero's Of Oakhurst


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Defiant Fist

I can't really reply to the thread with details as I don't want to violate the policy. I'll PM you with the information on where to look.