Stacking Speed Buffs and Debuffs Questions



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Orlando, FL

Faint- heartedness (Hex Spell) For 8..37 seconds, target foe's attack speed is reduced and that foe suffers -(1..3) Health
Frenzy (Stance) For 8 seconds, you attack 33% faster, but all hits against you in melee are Critical Hits.

How do these stack?
Say Faint- heartedness reduces attack speed by 33%, would Frenzy then return it to normal?
With all these Illusionary Weaponry builds, Faint- heartedness is looking like a build staple.

Cyrus the Mighty

Cyrus the Mighty

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2005

Frenzy certainly gives back some speed, though I'm not sure just how much faintheartedness takes away. I was able to use frenzy to allieviate some of that slow down and kill the warriors bane pre-mades last event.