Anybody else getting disconnected a lot today?
Lindesty Takahari
I've had 8 disconnects (err=7) today and all in the same mission, i can't finish it!
Lindesty Takahari
You are not alone. Do you have Verizon internet and what area are you located in.
Lindesty Takahari
Slovenia (SiOL ADSL provider)
Aside from the Verizon infamy, I don't think the recent Err=7s are specific to ISP. I had a few Err=7s past few days, which I believe is due to Anet's network. Somebody also mentioned Anet's aware of this and are working or have fixed it.
only one for me ....SBC yahoo in so cal....
I wonder if Anet has checked there servers for Spyware and Adware. Maybe they have a virus?

Lindesty Takahari
Another one today. WTF is wrong with this thing?
Maybe somebody's trying to crash their servers to dupe stuff...happened before with D2.