Obviously allowing a player to reconnect would be great, in PvE and PvP. Gaile has said prior to release they were looking in to it. An obvious solution would just be to make it so that you stay exactly where you are and still take damage but are just like being afk before you reconnect, no exploiting could be allowed, no bad side, no nothing. The last quick henchman update was no real fix to any problem. We're sick of spending an hour or two in a mission only to be disconnected because the devs don't feel like implementing very simple feature that would just relieve a lot of grief for each and every player.
If that's supposed to be a suggestion, it really belongs in Sardelac Sanitarium. (If it's just whining, it really belongs in the bit bucket.)
I have to say this is whining.

It's been suggested countless times, AN is already aware of it. I'd just like some attention on the subject.
Yes. I want it. I want it now. I want it because spending three hours in the Underworld and losing players because of server-side issues or routing issues between me and wherethehellever is really nerve-rending.
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Actually it's not a simple solution, they have to program it to prevent exploitation, and re-connecting can be used to exploit various aspects of the game. Further details can't be provided, and if you want to know why just look under my name.
I would also say that almost all disconnects are either related to routing issues(talk to your ISP, do a tracert) and/or connection speed(ping timeouts) and not server issues.
I would also say that almost all disconnects are either related to routing issues(talk to your ISP, do a tracert) and/or connection speed(ping timeouts) and not server issues.
How could one exploit if they registered as still being there but not moving while not connected to the server as I just suggested? Something is better than nothing and right now we have nothing. How would it be hard to put in for them compared to everything else they've done? It should just be the next time you log in it sends you straight to that area and in your afk body, and from there it's your choice to map out or log out.
What's your point? we still need the ability to reconnect, sorry if you're going to make a game where missions can take up to two hours it needs to be implemented, I was under the impression it was going to be in when retail hit. I never disconnect from any other computer game like I do from guildwars, and a lot of other people can say the same, so sorry it is an issue with guildwars and not an issue with our own isp. Either our isps fault or not it needs to be fixed and we shouldn't have to suffer.
Originally Posted by Zaklex
I would also say that almost all disconnects are either related to routing issues(talk to your ISP, do a tracert) and/or connection speed(ping timeouts) and not server issues.
Agreed again. This is a feature we should have, especially for areas we're expected to be in for many hours or for PvP tournaments that may last just as long.
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Can't wait for this to be implemented. Before I fixed my connection issues, I was CONSTANTLY, ON THE EDGE when doing missions. I said something every 5 seconds just to make sure I wasn't D/Cing. Caused me a lot of grief, especially when you've d/ced with 5 groups who had completed Thirsty River, and you were leading those groups except you disconnected at the last moment.
Annoying to say the least.
Annoying to say the least.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's going to be addressed any time soon, if ever. Zaklex, and if you want to know why, just look under my name.
Not only GW disconnects, it also crashes sometimes.
Ba Ne
I would support reconnects/reinsertion into the party.
A guildy has a real POS computer. It is so bad that I convinced him to start keeping a crash log. The last time I talked with him it crashed 37 times in four days. Needless to say it makes completing any quest/mission a real pita. However, if he could log back in and rejoin us in our instance that would make it much less aggravating.
A guildy has a real POS computer. It is so bad that I convinced him to start keeping a crash log. The last time I talked with him it crashed 37 times in four days. Needless to say it makes completing any quest/mission a real pita. However, if he could log back in and rejoin us in our instance that would make it much less aggravating.
I would also say that almost all disconnects are either related to routing issues(talk to your ISP, do a tracert) and/or connection speed(ping timeouts) and not server issues. |
I think this is actually a pretty good idea to deal with disconnects... you cant really exploit it cause ur only going afk and becoming nothing more than a punching bag.
Plus I don't think its actually a quick fix, cause nothing seems all that quick when it comes to coding
I also think they could mech together AI's idea with the current henchmen system they are using:
If someone drops then they should look like an afker until they come back, and if they don't come back in time for the next round, then it should become a henchmen.
Plus I don't think its actually a quick fix, cause nothing seems all that quick when it comes to coding

I also think they could mech together AI's idea with the current henchmen system they are using:
If someone drops then they should look like an afker until they come back, and if they don't come back in time for the next round, then it should become a henchmen.
as a possible solution, perhaps the names of all characters who enter an instance could be logged, and thereafter a person could be invited to that instance (random location of one of the party members) but only if their name is on the original entry log. That way it would allow disconnects to reconnect. It would leave some space for exploitation, but somebody disconnecting then reconnecting at the end of the instance would pretty much be the same as someone waiting at the entry anyway.
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
as a possible solution, perhaps the names of all characters who enter an instance could be logged, and thereafter a person could be invited to that instance (random location of one of the party members) but only if their name is on the original entry log. That way it would allow disconnects to reconnect. It would leave some space for exploitation, but somebody disconnecting then reconnecting at the end of the instance would pretty much be the same as someone waiting at the entry anyway.
Something needs to be done about this, but that solution would surely be exploited.
agreed... but in brainstorming the flaws of each suggestion are weeded out and by the end we can come up with a pretty decent conclusion I think

Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
agreed... but in brainstorming the flaws of each suggestion are weeded out and by the end we can come up with a pretty decent conclusion I think
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Tell me the downside of this idea, for some reason I'm thinking there must be one.
-you enter the instance and your name is logged. but something happens to the server, your pc or your 1337 connexorz and you drop
-you're back on within 2 minutes, whisper your teamates to let them know what happened. They click the "invite disconnected" button.
-if the team has already left the instance they were in, you're in trouble, no connecting.
-you click the "accept reconnected" button and you appear in the spot you disconnected with a 15% dp, mobs or no mobs.
I can't think of a way to exploit it...
-you're back on within 2 minutes, whisper your teamates to let them know what happened. They click the "invite disconnected" button.
-if the team has already left the instance they were in, you're in trouble, no connecting.
-you click the "accept reconnected" button and you appear in the spot you disconnected with a 15% dp, mobs or no mobs.
I can't think of a way to exploit it...
you're back on within 2 minutes, whisper your teamates to let them know what happened. They click the "invite disconnected" button.
While you're waiting, switch up some skills in town.
While you're waiting, switch up some skills in town.
hmm... okay... perhaps (though that wouldn't so serious an exploit) when you reconnect it remembers your skills set... maybe so that this doesn't create undue lag, there could be like a 5 minute timer on the option to reinvite.
Snipe Kan
I'm all aboard for this idea because i have the worst internet connection in the world! I lag out probably once a day at the most random times but yet ill reconnect back to the internet after my "lag spike" in less than 10 seconds.. but ill be kicked off GW because of the simple Spike in my internet service.. reconnecting is a great idea and im all for it
Most MMORPGs use the "30 second delay" solution. In other words, when you drop link your character remain "active" for an additional 30 seconds.A LINKDEAD marker will appear somewhere for information purposes but won't prevent you from getting killed. If you reconnect within 30 seconds you will simply "jump back into your linkdead body". After that, well then you are thrown back to nearest outpost....
My alternate option would be having mini-outposts inside missions/areas which only teams can access. You disconnect, you go there and team must come and fetch you [almost like resurrect shrine]. I won't elaborate because i guess at this stage Anet wont consider such "large" features for PvE.
My alternate option would be having mini-outposts inside missions/areas which only teams can access. You disconnect, you go there and team must come and fetch you [almost like resurrect shrine]. I won't elaborate because i guess at this stage Anet wont consider such "large" features for PvE.
Originally Posted by StandardAI
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's going to be addressed any time soon, if ever. Zaklex, and if you want to know why, just look under my name.

Snipe Kan
i predict that they might address the re-connection issue when theres a 10-20% pop. disconnecting other then that they will probably say get a better connection! (like i need 2~~!)
Originally Posted by StandardAI
Obviously allowing a player to reconnect would be great, in PvE and PvP. Gaile has said prior to release they were looking in to it. An obvious solution would just be to make it so that you stay exactly where you are and still take damage but are just like being afk before you reconnect, no exploiting could be allowed, no bad side, no nothing. The last quick henchman update was no real fix to any problem. We're sick of spending an hour or two in a mission only to be disconnected because the devs don't feel like implementing very simple feature that would just relieve a lot of grief for each and every player.
Even if you were to blame the 3 people who's connections dropped, what about the other 9 in the team who could not complete the mission.
1st I know it not just a quick change to the code (I write software myself and I know a change like this would require a lot of development and testing) but it is a very important issue that should be addressed.
I know you have to be very careful with exploit but the idea of it treating the dropped player exactly as if they went AFK is a very good way and would make it very difficult to exploit the game (I can not think of a way but their may be one).
If the person dies while disconnected they stay dead (unless they would have been rez just like as if they were afk)
They would not be able to change skills before rejoining, weapons or armor.
The team leader should be able to kick the afk in case they don't rejoin and they are only one left alive)
Commander Ryker
Cross this one off, we've got it!
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Cross this one off, we've got it!
Still needs work!
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Cross this one off, we've got it!