Ranged Damage Dealing
I just bought my pre-order. This means I will be trying game for first time this weekend of the 18th. Just taking suggestions on a good combo for ranged damage dealer. Many of you may say Rng/Elem, but I would really appreciate if I could also know which areas to concentrate in please. Like Expertise, Markmanship, and what else? I will probably look to do three high range areas.
the shock sniper premade build for pvp is a great place to start
Pretty much go with Ran/whatever else has some skills that you like and work together well.
I enjoy the ran/nec because he deals great ranged damage and has a ton of disruption skills available.
If you're running a ran primary definitely pump expertise and marksmanship. I'd add a 3rd attribute line from whatever secondary you take.
I enjoy the ran/nec because he deals great ranged damage and has a ton of disruption skills available.
If you're running a ran primary definitely pump expertise and marksmanship. I'd add a 3rd attribute line from whatever secondary you take.