This auction ends 48 hours after initial bid on each item.
Min bid on Strom bow is 10k with 1k min incriments.
Min Bid on Golden Shortbow is 50k with 5k incriments
Min bid on Golden Sword is 20k with 5k min incriments
Min bid on the 2 staff upgrades and Tower shield is 5k each with 1k min incriments
Min bid on golden hammer is 1k with 500g min increments
Major absorption is 10k buy now (I would sell to rune trader but for some reason it wont let me!)
Shadow shield is 1k buy now.
Current offers:
#2: Gone. Salvaged into +28 Pommel.
#4: SOLD
#5: SOLD
#9: 5k
I am Ignoring and not counting any offers below min bid or min increments
There is an additional reseve price on all items.
Please read the entire post before offering!
Please leave your IGN and offer.
[Auction] Gold Max Shortbow/Sword/Hammer. Staff upgrades Major absorb Storm Bow
Eskimo Bob
500 on 8
25K on shortbow.
Eskimo Bob
Dermot Antares
5k on #9
ign dermot antares
ign dermot antares
Divine Elemental
accept runes of some sort for the bow sir?...
if so i offer either sup fast cast or sup marks
if so i offer either sup fast cast or sup marks
Eskimo Bob
Bumb... Slavaged the Wingblade sword into +28 fortitude Pommel. Wich is not for sale atm.