Pet Armor
Because it makes the pets more a part of the game and less an accessory.
What if i want high defence but dont like bears?? personally i perfer to have wolves, plus each pet type could have there own pet tree that only they have. Like the professions, so bears would have raw power for sure. wolves would have maybe deep wounding or crippling abilities. and the ammount of points you put in would control the % chance of the knock down/cripple/deep wound/bleeding ect occuring on the pets attack. a few new pet types wouldnt hurt either.
Why don't you like bears? I would love to have pet-specific skills, and new types of pets, but don't let all the pets be the same attribute-wise, that would ruin the idea of the different pet types.
I'm saying let the rangers customise how they want there pets to be statistically ( hit points dmg attack speed) and give each pet its own race based abilitys. and its not that i dont like bears i'm just terribly partial to wolves
Why do you want all the pets to have same stats? that kills the different pet types, as how many different types of race based abilities are there?
Look I don't want to be able to pick what my pet's stats are, I would rather have to find that pet with the stats I want.
Look I don't want to be able to pick what my pet's stats are, I would rather have to find that pet with the stats I want.
Bears have there knock down ability, wolves could have deep wound or atleast cause bleeding. warthogs could cause interupts. the super spider could do poision. and you are right each pet should retain its current individual abilities, bears do make better tanks, but what if i want my wolf to be a better tank than other wolves?? or maybe i want him to hit harder? that sound a bit more acceptible to you?
Well if you want your wolf to be a better tank, get call of protection. Are wolves really known for tanking? No.
Yes but i would rather my pet be a choice of personal preferance than of what tanks better.
He's not saying he wants to make his wolf tank better than a bear, he wants his wolf to tank better than other wolves. There is a difference. You are just not seeing it.
If you want your Wolf to tank better than other wolves give it skills that help it tank, if you really want a good tank then get a bear.
It is all a desicion between having a tank (bear) or having a wolf (your preference), you shouldn't be able to make a wolf into a tank as good as a bear, and wolves are not supposed to tank anyways, you just have to sacrifice tanking for whatever wolves are good for.
It is all a desicion between having a tank (bear) or having a wolf (your preference), you shouldn't be able to make a wolf into a tank as good as a bear, and wolves are not supposed to tank anyways, you just have to sacrifice tanking for whatever wolves are good for.
Hrm... instead of coloring the pet's fur (which I think would look silly), they could perhaps have an aura (like a boss). This could help disambiguate them from other pets in the party.
I would rather have colored pets than auras. There are auras in Arenas, and i don't think it looks all that good.
Okay, I can see that we will just have to agree to disagree on this issue.
I'll just finish by saying this. I choose my pet because I like cats, not because of it's fighting abilities. But if I could tweak it's attributes I would. It would make the game more enjoyable for me. It would make the pet more useful and more of a companion and less a weapon or accessory. And isn't enjoying the game and making it more fun what it's really all about in the end, not statistics and tanking?
I'll just finish by saying this. I choose my pet because I like cats, not because of it's fighting abilities. But if I could tweak it's attributes I would. It would make the game more enjoyable for me. It would make the pet more useful and more of a companion and less a weapon or accessory. And isn't enjoying the game and making it more fun what it's really all about in the end, not statistics and tanking?
In the end all pets must tank. As a ranger you shoot your target your pet charges out to try and cause it as mush harm as it can. i'm saying i want my wolf to be able to improve on its tanking or rather surviving abilities. not that a wolf should ever be able to survive as long as a bear under heavy assualt. but just that is i wanted to i could beef him up a little. make him tougher defensively than other wolves where as another ranger would have a wolfe more suited to deal out lots of damage quickly. it is all just a matter of opinion but i think our little debate has shifted off the origonal intent of this thread. So to close this a bit I say yes there should be some way in which pets are improved upon in this game, be it armor, attributes. pet auto skills, or whatever a-net decides to do if they do anything. If anyone else has an idea on pet improvment that hasnt already been listed please post because pets are definately in need of an upgrade.
Hehe, I wouldn't mind having an aura for myself. And before you argue I don't play PvP.
so, instead of having a pet as a weapon, instead you want it to be pretty parrot that sits on your shoulder looking cool?
You would waste one or two skil slots to LOOK GOOD?
You would waste one or two skil slots to LOOK GOOD?
Please, no. Why must you argue with what I am saying. All the pets can fight, you don't need to pick one because of a statistc. My pet is actually an important part of my strategy. I'm just saying that I'd like it to be more interactive, more a part of the game and less of a henchman.
I agree that they should be more interactive, such as useful commands like \stay or playful ones like \playdead, \fetch and stuff.
i think the armor idea is really good.
it helps to customize your pet (and you would just dye the pet armor -- no need to incur the wrath of PETA by dyeing your pet).
it can be a great money sink (15k pet armor
and most important of all, since your pet is there as a tank... it should be allowed to have tank-grade armor -- the caster-grade armor (level 60) pets have now is simply not enough for the tank role that pets were designed to play.
pet armor runes may be going a bit far -- but i think it's a great idea -- yet another money sink!
it helps to customize your pet (and you would just dye the pet armor -- no need to incur the wrath of PETA by dyeing your pet).
it can be a great money sink (15k pet armor

and most important of all, since your pet is there as a tank... it should be allowed to have tank-grade armor -- the caster-grade armor (level 60) pets have now is simply not enough for the tank role that pets were designed to play.
pet armor runes may be going a bit far -- but i think it's a great idea -- yet another money sink!
Originally Posted by Zoolooman
I think pet armor should be infused. I had a public gent who wouldn't leave his bear dead, even though Spectral Agony ground and reground it into a crimson puddle. Perhaps if the pet would've survived the the ranger wouldn't have blacked out his skills over and over in a futile fued with the Mursaat.
Seth Oriath
Well, looks like Gaile's been reading this thread:
We read player suggestions on fansite forums every day, and players have a lot of great ideas! One of my personal favorite suggestions is that we provide more options for pets, such as items you can buy them or even the ability to change their color. |
Originally Posted by DarrenJasper
I would also like the option to knit your chihuahua an adorable sweater, and to have your house full of cats eat your corpse when you die alone with them.
Originally Posted by Seth Oriath
I second some sort of pet infusion.
A Pet Change...
The best possible pet change would be to make it that when pet and player (owner or other char) occupy the same general area - the pet no longer becomes a wall or partition, or a damn blockage point where a guy gets stuck until the little beast decides to move his little a$$ out of my way because I THOUGHT I could walk down that hillside, only to find it is too 'steep' and I will be forced to go around, but ALAS!! that damn cat is in my way!!!!
oops...a bit of a rant - sorry. Just allow us to walk through our pets - everyone would like them better.
Yes, subtle dyes, even of the current dye colors (blue is barely blue, or blue-tinted, on the pet). That would be OK and we could recognize better when more than 1 in battle.
Collars would make it great, like:
Sundering Lynx Collar of Fortitude
OK, more like:
Floundering Melandru's Collar of Solitude?
Flummelgating Hedge Collar of Multitudes?
Smoldering Moa Collar of Squakitude?
(lol on the last 3...I think)
First one the best, BUT lets not use the same stuff as the weapons, but A.Net should be creative and have the:
Defensive Melandru's Collar of Penetrating Strike
Armour + 10%
Armour penetration +10% (while Health above 50%)
Customized for Melandru: Petname, Rangername
Armour +20% (against Elemental Attack)
then cost 10 gold to get it 'customized' to your pet, along with it's and your name (last 2 lines above).
Another gold sink and anyone can 'find' the stuff because as a Ranger I'm really tired of all the hammers and axes just 'lying about', to be found (dropped). If you have no pet/am not a Ranger - sell it to the Merchant.
OH Yeah! Runes too!
The best possible pet change would be to make it that when pet and player (owner or other char) occupy the same general area - the pet no longer becomes a wall or partition, or a damn blockage point where a guy gets stuck until the little beast decides to move his little a$$ out of my way because I THOUGHT I could walk down that hillside, only to find it is too 'steep' and I will be forced to go around, but ALAS!! that damn cat is in my way!!!!
oops...a bit of a rant - sorry. Just allow us to walk through our pets - everyone would like them better.
Yes, subtle dyes, even of the current dye colors (blue is barely blue, or blue-tinted, on the pet). That would be OK and we could recognize better when more than 1 in battle.
Collars would make it great, like:
Sundering Lynx Collar of Fortitude
OK, more like:
Floundering Melandru's Collar of Solitude?
Flummelgating Hedge Collar of Multitudes?
Smoldering Moa Collar of Squakitude?
(lol on the last 3...I think)
First one the best, BUT lets not use the same stuff as the weapons, but A.Net should be creative and have the:
Defensive Melandru's Collar of Penetrating Strike
Armour + 10%
Armour penetration +10% (while Health above 50%)
Customized for Melandru: Petname, Rangername
Armour +20% (against Elemental Attack)
then cost 10 gold to get it 'customized' to your pet, along with it's and your name (last 2 lines above).
Another gold sink and anyone can 'find' the stuff because as a Ranger I'm really tired of all the hammers and axes just 'lying about', to be found (dropped). If you have no pet/am not a Ranger - sell it to the Merchant.
OH Yeah! Runes too!
Guild Master
Why don't you propose this idea to Arenanet? It would be a good idea.
Those of you who have voiced loud opinions on this subject could maybe answer this, even though it's a little off topic, but do you have a pet in real life ? If so, ever have your kitty try and "help" you in the kitchen while carrying something hot with both hands ?
Dodging your pet seems rather realistic in this light ..
Dodging your pet seems rather realistic in this light ..
Originally Posted by Mr_Coffee
Those of you who have voiced loud opinions on this subject could maybe answer this, even though it's a little off topic, but do you have a pet in real life ? If so, ever have your kitty try and "help" you in the kitchen while carrying something hot with both hands ?
*chuckle* Dodging your pet seems rather realistic in this light .. |
You have a real point there...BUT me ittle-kitty-muffy-poo NEVER pinned me against the fridge for 5 minutes!!!(lol)
Just a bit frustrating in the game - that's all.
On a slight side note...there have been MANY, and boy I cannot capitalize the word MANY big enough...many great suggestions for A.Net to implement into the game - pet extras are just one of them. I'm sure, since it seems evident that they read these forums, that they will slowly implement the better suggestions over time. A.Net wants this game around for years and years to come. They have to pick and choose amongst many things: bugs, cheats, exploits, upgrades, fixes, add-ons, etc... that compete for development time.
We will all become pleasantly suprised when A.Net implements our favorite suggestion!
"I was just crusin' through Lornar's Pass trying to get to the dang Forge when this Imp come upon my behind - lo and behold he a-started kickin that behind! I felt a bit to keep on truckin, but the health-o-bar was a drainin', so I turned that Imp around and popped him in that 'eradication' spot, if you know what I mean, and he done dropped something that made me peepers peep louder than ever peeped before! (oohs and ahhs keyed-up in the peanut gallery) A purple 'Thundering Lynx Collar of Extended Poison'!!! Man-o-man, what a cool bit of armour for my.........Moa Bird? OK, I says - then I can hawk it in District 1 for 50k gold! Nah, sell it too the armour trader for 76g - yeah, great deal and a box of Fruit Loops! I'll keep looking for that 'Clobbering Moa Collar of Flashing Destruction' - later, after my nap."
well i want my wolf with a wrapping of tin foil(to stop mesmer spells) and barbed wire(so people get hurt for standing by it)
Nomad Ninja
First thing that I would like to see is to have pets of different stats. At this time all of the pets, except for the spider from the UnderWorld have the same stats. To me this is very disapointing.
For information on per stats see the Grand Pet Survey
The Nomad Ninja
[The Amazonian Triad]
we kill in threes . . .
For information on per stats see the Grand Pet Survey
The Nomad Ninja
[The Amazonian Triad]
we kill in threes . . .
someone might want to tell that "grand pet survey" that they are missing striders as pets, striders are DIFFRENT from moa birds, they deal a diffrent type of damage.
if you dont change the name dont striders level into moa birds though?
Ashley Twig
What would be even more nice is that you should get a skill that calls you pet back, in case it rushes into battle at the most unapropriate time. =

I'm just curious... Why is that pet's can't be infused? If we had Collars, it would make more since, but either way, they need infusion.
Originally Posted by Ashley Twig
What would be even more nice is that you should get a skill that calls you pet back, in case it rushes into battle at the most unapropriate time. =
![]() |
1) A button that makes your pet "hit my target", and a ("stay by (come to) me and guard" as well as a "go do your stuff" toggle button). Between those two you can get your pet on any given target, hold it back when pulling and work on separate or the same foes. You can tab to the pet's desired target, hit "hit my target", then tab off to take care of business.
2) A pet target bar, so that your pet's target is shown as well as yours. This will allow rangers to monitor their pet's target activities, allowing them to use the pet based attack skills that are condition dependant (disrupting lunge etc...)
3) With a pet target bar in place and ways to get your pet on or off your target you could add a previous/next target button for the pet target bar, and simply use a "hit my target" button to get his attention back where you want it if tabbing two bars gets too much.
4) Infusing of pets - I hear that this is a problem later.
5) Merging of Comfort Animal and Charm Animal into a single skill and/or make pet resurrectable by Monks - either way you can free up a slot; the second way only if you trust your monk to heal your pet.
I'd suggest a way to improve pet's damage. sure they have their own base NATURAL damage, but how about if Anet put in a reasonably difficult quest to sharpen the pet's claws/stinger, and make all pets equal to 17-26 dam on the spider? the spider would still be the wow pet from the UW, it'll be more fair to those who can't get in UW and make it there without dying or their world doesn't hold the HOH often like Europe. this is because some rangers get unreasonably attached to their large sized wolf or bear
as for pet armor, increase it to a tank class, and have it add extra hp or dam %
just like other weapons.

as for pet armor, increase it to a tank class, and have it add extra hp or dam %

The idea of the collars is nice, it reminds me of Black & White. Maybe you could have a collar of agression, that makes your pet aggresive against others, or a collar of fluffynes, that makes your pet nice to you and your teammates, just like in Black & White
Other armor would be nice too.
Color isn't really cool if you ask me, a blue pet or something wouldn't look as nice as the normal color anyway
I think ANet should put in more options for your pet, that would be nice. Since a pet is pretty important to most of the rangers. Maybe a pet trainer, that you could choose some skills for your pet to learn, and the pet trainder would learn them to your pet for you, and makes your pet lvl up faster. And then you could just pick up your pet after a while
I don't think you should have to spend too much time in your pet yourself, that would be boring actually.

Color isn't really cool if you ask me, a blue pet or something wouldn't look as nice as the normal color anyway

I think ANet should put in more options for your pet, that would be nice. Since a pet is pretty important to most of the rangers. Maybe a pet trainer, that you could choose some skills for your pet to learn, and the pet trainder would learn them to your pet for you, and makes your pet lvl up faster. And then you could just pick up your pet after a while

...useful commands like \stay or playful ones like \playdead, \fetch... |
A playdead Skill slot might be handy for the poor beastie if it's getting creamed.
The infusing problem; surely the easiest way is to assume the pet is infused when you are?
Originally Posted by Shadowdaemon
if you dont change the name dont striders level into moa birds though?
The infusing problem; surely the easiest way is to assume the pet is infused when you are? |