should gwguru add religion to nono list?
treads r beeing closed becouse of this.. but its not agains the rules..
if it acctualy is against the rules, please post a link and a quote.
should gwguru add religion to nono list?
Tyil Thunder Arrow
As far as religeon goes if you don't like it ignore it.
Atheist,pagan,christian all have a right to what they believe and freedom of expression.
So if someone says something is godly and your an atheist. get over it it's just a word noone is saying you have to believe in god.
If someone post some rp that is about a pagan form of religeon then people who are christian don't need to freak. after all you are playin a fantasy game with mithycal creatures.
People take themselves way to seriously. And believe that what they believe should be the only thing talked about.
I live in the U.S. and that mentallity is hurtin our country bad. I mean people are freaking over the word god in the pledge of allegence. I mean come on god is an interfaith word. We all worship something if it's jahova, satin, nature, money, and for the narcisists ourselve.
Come on people get over yourselves and just have fun. Words don't kill unless ya get a really nasty papercut to the jugular.
Atheist,pagan,christian all have a right to what they believe and freedom of expression.
So if someone says something is godly and your an atheist. get over it it's just a word noone is saying you have to believe in god.
If someone post some rp that is about a pagan form of religeon then people who are christian don't need to freak. after all you are playin a fantasy game with mithycal creatures.
People take themselves way to seriously. And believe that what they believe should be the only thing talked about.
I live in the U.S. and that mentallity is hurtin our country bad. I mean people are freaking over the word god in the pledge of allegence. I mean come on god is an interfaith word. We all worship something if it's jahova, satin, nature, money, and for the narcisists ourselve.
Come on people get over yourselves and just have fun. Words don't kill unless ya get a really nasty papercut to the jugular.
Porkchop Sandwhiches
No, but it just has nothing to do with the game?

i just think its pure stupidity to mix this game with religius issues like: can a sword be "godly". not beeing able to ansver is more provocative to me than the actual tread.
There was a guy spamming stuff last night, and his threads were getting closed. Some of his topics were kinda about religion, or rather the non belief in any religion. Is that what your talking about?
yes, the point is they got closed and he started spamming.
if they just let him, ppl get angry and he will start flaming instead, then he get banned.
so why close the tread?
a 2nd tought, if they just set a rule they can delete the tread becouse its its so utterly irrellevant.
if they just let him, ppl get angry and he will start flaming instead, then he get banned.
so why close the tread?
a 2nd tought, if they just set a rule they can delete the tread becouse its its so utterly irrellevant.
if they just set a rule they can delete the tread becouse its its so utterly irrellevant. |
On second thought 99% is a bit of an exaggeration. Maybe more like 75%.
Forum rules should function as guidelines for your behaviour, they don't confer any 'rights' to you. We're all guests here, and slamming down our fist screaming 'injustice' over the decisions of the hosts and caretakers here is not just silly, it's rude.
Principa Discordia
Is this yet another rebellion thread caused by a misunderstanding of moderator motivations???
I can't speak for the other moderators, but as a moderator who recently closed one thread with religious references and threatened to close another containing some, I will say this: -
1.) The one I closed was spam. I closed it because it was spam and because it was one of many just like it. The offending spammer had been warned plenty of times in his own threads and in a multitude of PMs.
2.) The one I threatened to close was a simple warning, as the thread was turning into a religious debate. Debates are good, but that thread was heading into simple flamewar territory.
So, there you have it. I've not closed or threatened to close any threads because of their religious content, rather than for their effects (spam and flamewars, which are both against the forum guildelines.)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm locking this too.
PS. If you disagree with the decisions of the moderators, this isn't the place for it. That is what PMs are for. Thank you.
I can't speak for the other moderators, but as a moderator who recently closed one thread with religious references and threatened to close another containing some, I will say this: -
1.) The one I closed was spam. I closed it because it was spam and because it was one of many just like it. The offending spammer had been warned plenty of times in his own threads and in a multitude of PMs.
2.) The one I threatened to close was a simple warning, as the thread was turning into a religious debate. Debates are good, but that thread was heading into simple flamewar territory.
So, there you have it. I've not closed or threatened to close any threads because of their religious content, rather than for their effects (spam and flamewars, which are both against the forum guildelines.)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm locking this too.
PS. If you disagree with the decisions of the moderators, this isn't the place for it. That is what PMs are for. Thank you.