As became apparent last night, Monks could do with a Target Weakest Ally button, or certainly some way to better select characters that need healing who aren't on the party list. In some mission or other we met up with a couple of NPCs. In the midst of a fight I couldn't select the General amongst the other enemies and players, so he died before I could heal him.
It'd also be nice if Healers could resurrect allies, not just party members. It's a practically worthless skill, rarely used, but essential if your party are prone to rush in and get bashed up

. I've needed it a couple of times where otherwise they'd have been left out of the game. It's worth could be much improved by allowing the resurrection of allied NPCs, which'd help out in missions where near the end some dumb Prince runs off without you and gets slaughtered, and the mission terminates when all it'd need is a Resurrection spell which you already have to hand