Where can i find wrapping/head?
People are selling staff wrappings and heads but where do they get them in the first place? Do they salvage weapons that has e.g. health+20 and they get wrapping etc? If so, any good place to hunt for health staffs?
You Salvage them yes...
I have been Going to Gates of Krayta and killing Lightning Drakes for them at the moment. but im sure there are other good places for this
I have been Going to Gates of Krayta and killing Lightning Drakes for them at the moment. but im sure there are other good places for this
Oh ok thanks. It's pretty tough to go to that beach with dragons (long way), i hope there is another one
its not that far? I go farming there alot and the reason this spot is so good is becasue there are so many of the Drake there.. your not going to find anywhere in the game that have this many Drakes in one spot..
if your interested in a +health wraping i can loot you one tonight or if you want to group up tonight send me a whisper and i will help you out.. .I have been farming here for awhile in surch of a really nice Air Wand myself. I normally come back every day with a inventory and storage full of gold and purple items.
if your interested in a +health wraping i can loot you one tonight or if you want to group up tonight send me a whisper and i will help you out.. .I have been farming here for awhile in surch of a really nice Air Wand myself. I normally come back every day with a inventory and storage full of gold and purple items.
Yeah I am interested in a Fortitude and Hale more than 20HP.
You are not online right now it seems so whisper me when you get on.
You are not online right now it seems so whisper me when you get on.
yeah im at work i dont play till around 8:00 EST
you can go there now and just spam that your looking for someone to farm Drake.. there is always people there doing it.. Just try and keep the party to a max of 3. I normally go with a guy that is a monk and farm for a few hours there daily. The skeleton Warriors also drop Major Runes from time to time also.
I have tried this solo a few times and every time i did it all i got was money and Spikes no weapon loots. so take at least 1 person with you when you go.
you can go there now and just spam that your looking for someone to farm Drake.. there is always people there doing it.. Just try and keep the party to a max of 3. I normally go with a guy that is a monk and farm for a few hours there daily. The skeleton Warriors also drop Major Runes from time to time also.
I have tried this solo a few times and every time i did it all i got was money and Spikes no weapon loots. so take at least 1 person with you when you go.
Not sure what EST means, but I'm in GMT+1
lol EST = Eastern Standard Time here in the US.. its 11:51 EST here right now
Im GMT +5
Im GMT +5
lol and its 17:55 here. Cya tomorrow then lol?
if u are +5 then time should be 21:55 at u
if u are +5 then time should be 21:55 at u
Originally Posted by salatious
lol EST = Eastern Standard Time here in the US.. its 11:51 EST here right now
Im GMT +5 |
ah hmm when are u going to play? because i can't stay up all night.
lol... i will be on in 8 hours from now...
that is way too late for me. what now? :/
you can still go. just go to Gates of Krayta and ask anyone if they want to group with you to Farm some Drakes. you will get many responses to join your group. Getin a group of 1 or 2 people and launch mission...
before you know it you will have what you want
before you know it you will have what you want
no one is doing that on EU servers apperantly. only lv 13-16s doing regular mission :/
i wish i could help you bud but im stuck at work. Try Dis1 or Dis2. I never have trouble getting a person to help.
what level are you?
what level are you?
im lv 20 of course.
ok i been there once now. i got a golden frost artifact +44HP and 11 energy. should i salvage it?
nice loot there.. but you cant salvage Artifacts. What is the Artifact type? if its AIR i will buy it from you
its water.