Is there anywhere to see who had the favor of the gods the longest ?
Like a pie chart or some type of time graph. It would be cool to see who had favor for the day the longest. Also i know warping into Temple of the Ages will display who has the favor, but a /favor cmd to indicate who has the favor would make my toes curl. Just wondering if this idea is already in use somewhere.
Favor of the Gods --- %'s
Wrath of m0o
actually that would be nice yeah! Then we finally can see if korea is really always having favour
They dont sleep though games are their lives so they dont count its between europe and north america.
I'm nocturnal, so I don't count. Lol...
Would be kinda cool yeah, and a command saying how long you had held the favour for all together (hours/minutes)
Where is the question? Because this sounds like a suggestion and we already have a thread about a /favour command up and running.
In answer to your "question", there is no pie charts... and you very much find that Europe, America and Korea have the favour equally at the moment.
They don't play games non-stop... they just better at games then we are... some people can't face that.
Lets not turn this into a hate fest, see plenty of that in the Temple of Ages...
In answer to your "question", there is no pie charts... and you very much find that Europe, America and Korea have the favour equally at the moment.
They don't play games non-stop... they just better at games then we are... some people can't face that.
Lets not turn this into a hate fest, see plenty of that in the Temple of Ages...