IN GAME NAME --- Saphic The Unclean
Defensive inscribed staff of fortitude (10-18 dmg +4armor +23 health improves skills recharge time 7%chance requires 8domination)
Heavy Cleaver (6-25dmg +12%vs hexed foes lengenths weakness duration on foes requires 9axemastery)
Chakram (+10 energy +5armor while casting requires 9domination)
Flame artifact (+8 energy improves skill recharge time using divine favor skills 11%chance only requires 3 fire mastery)
Frost artifact (+12 energy +4armor vs physical requires 10 watermagic)
round shield (13ar -2dmg while in stance requires 7tactics)
deadly cesta (10-17 +4energy while hexed requires 5 deathmagic)
Highest bids on each item will win at auction close (24 hours from post time) serious offers only, unrealistic/stupid offers will be ignored. contact me via pm for any other information about items. i am usually online and available in the evenings between 7pm and 10pm pst, often times i'm up late playing so drop me a line if needed. and just so everyone knows, i'm sort of new to the forums and trading and all that so have mercy on me.
purple and gold weapons / offhand 4 sale
Saphic The Unclean