¬ Sword Pommel of Fortitude +24
SB (Starting Bid): 300gp
BI (Bid Increment): 100gp
BO (Buy Out): 1.5K
Obs.: Why people pay more than 100K for a +30 pommel, and less than 50K for just -6 health comparing to this pommel? Wierd...
Happy Bidding!
Edit: IGN > Headache Br, Evil Chocolate or Auto Ankh
AUCTION: Sword Pommel of Fortitude +24
No bids yet? =(
Originally Posted by mike14730
its because ur starting bid is 2 high, ino ppl who sell this for like 500g
I thought it was a good price since the 30+ pommel is more than 200K and so I thought, "Well, -6 hp difference, ppl would pay just a little bit less".
Crazy people... well anyways, starting bid fixed
Crazy people... well anyways, starting bid fixed
Eet GnomeSmasher
700 gold
IGN Norm Gnomesmusher
IGN Norm Gnomesmusher
900 then...
Narius Raltek <--- ingame
Narius Raltek <--- ingame
BO: 1.7 gp
IGN: Chinese Belle
Will be on tonight 11 PM EST.
IGN: Chinese Belle
Will be on tonight 11 PM EST.