I was just curious about customized items. I spent a long while gathering items for my ranger, and have it all customized. But, I discovered 15k drake armor for male rangers looks really good (imo) but horrible on female rangers, which I currently am. If I were to delete my current ranger and remake under the exact same name, could i use the items?
Re-rolling items
good question, my guess would be yes if when you try to equip it's verify the name, else if the char are given a unique "serial" number, i would say no.
Hmm, this is what I'm hoping. Anyone know for sure? I don't want to risk it o.O
No you can't.
Items are customized for ONE CHARACTER, not one character name. You can't trick the system that easily..
Tetris L
Characters got a hidden ID number. Items are actually customized to that number, not the name.
would have been stupid anyway, having best armor when your still at ascalon ^^
tried rerolling a character after BWE (last one) because i decided to change secondary profession (before i knew you could after ascention...lvl17 oh, well)...ran to storage and dropped all my stuff off...came back with character of the same name and nothing worked that was customized...armor, weopons, pre-order item...without a doubt the answer is an emphatic "NO"...next step....bought salvage kit....
yea we tested for this in beta to prevent people making max armor from PvP characters and just putting it on a PvE character of the same name. so this is not possible now... Sorry that was thought of early in beta testing and the Developers made sure we would not have this problem at launch.