Weapons Crafter Upgrade Suggestions
There has been an ongoing effort, I know, to figure a way to make the Weapon upgrades available through a trader, similar to the rune trader. Below are a few suggestions for such a thing without the problems that we can see happening with a regular trader.
Upgrades from Weapon Crafters:
Weapons Crafters would have upgrades to be added to weapons in inventory.
Would require that weapon to be customized, so it does not allow for Resale abuse.
old Ascalon areas
Crafters specializing in wand , staff, & rod upgrades
( split up for Piken Square, Grendich Courthouse, and Serenity Temple)
Lions Arch Crafters specializing in Sword upgrades,
Henge having Bow Master that supplies grips and strings,
Oasis having crafter specializing in axe upgrades,
Droknars having crafter specializing in hammer upgrades.
No Unlocking by Purchasing:
Just like the Runes, Buying them does not unlock them... Just allows you to use them on your weapons & it Customizes it automatically, making it not able to be used by others.
Purchased Upgrades require a Customized Weapon:
Weapon Upgrades should not able to be purchased without putting them on the weapons, Just like customization purchase.
Salvaging upgrades allowed but has same chance as Rune:
Yes you still have a chance of salvaging an upgrade from a weapon if you use a salvage kit on it, BUT it is not guaranteed. Same as Runes from your armor. This will also prevent Commerce inflation abuse.
Ingram of Haz
Haz Team Guild
Edit Update:
Updating for New salvage options in Nightfall.
Any salvaged inscriptions should go to the blacksmith to be customized into the weapon of your choice, that weapon then is then customized to your account for use with your characters, and or Heroes alone. This prevents the Resellers from flooding markets with upgraded whites that have been modded with 3 upgrades. But preserves the USE of these items for people that want them.
Also the blacksmith list of Upgrades should show recomended values of such upgrades, much like the rune and Dye NPC markets did, and thus add a control to this unregulated market.
Upgrades from Weapon Crafters:
Weapons Crafters would have upgrades to be added to weapons in inventory.
Would require that weapon to be customized, so it does not allow for Resale abuse.
old Ascalon areas
Crafters specializing in wand , staff, & rod upgrades
( split up for Piken Square, Grendich Courthouse, and Serenity Temple)
Lions Arch Crafters specializing in Sword upgrades,
Henge having Bow Master that supplies grips and strings,
Oasis having crafter specializing in axe upgrades,
Droknars having crafter specializing in hammer upgrades.
No Unlocking by Purchasing:
Just like the Runes, Buying them does not unlock them... Just allows you to use them on your weapons & it Customizes it automatically, making it not able to be used by others.
Purchased Upgrades require a Customized Weapon:
Weapon Upgrades should not able to be purchased without putting them on the weapons, Just like customization purchase.
Salvaging upgrades allowed but has same chance as Rune:
Yes you still have a chance of salvaging an upgrade from a weapon if you use a salvage kit on it, BUT it is not guaranteed. Same as Runes from your armor. This will also prevent Commerce inflation abuse.
Ingram of Haz
Haz Team Guild
Edit Update:
Updating for New salvage options in Nightfall.
Any salvaged inscriptions should go to the blacksmith to be customized into the weapon of your choice, that weapon then is then customized to your account for use with your characters, and or Heroes alone. This prevents the Resellers from flooding markets with upgraded whites that have been modded with 3 upgrades. But preserves the USE of these items for people that want them.
Also the blacksmith list of Upgrades should show recomended values of such upgrades, much like the rune and Dye NPC markets did, and thus add a control to this unregulated market.
interesting... i think its a good idea.
This is something I think we need to aviod. Now that there is a rune trader it kind takes away the "coolness" of having all the best runes. You can just buy them now. I think the upgrades need to stay in the wild and only accessable through exploring and killing, however much the PvPers don't like it. The Devs need to stop taking things away from the PvEers and make the PvPers work a little more.
OH come on Devs that are reading this! This is rediculous. This game was meant to be played as PvP AND PvE. You guys just keep taking things away from us PvEers and making it easier for the PvPers. With the way its going, prices for upgrades aren't high compared to other things. If the store would be set up prices would sky rocket! Look at the runes for example. The minor rune of fire that I sold yesterday got me 250 gold fom the merchant, I went to Ascalon city dis 1 to look for a new healing rod and they were selling the same rune for like 600 gold. If you keep making it easier for people to get them prices have a CHANCE of going down, but as runes are consered right now the prices have gone UP. I will strongly fight for these merchants to not be introduced, because I believe it is in the best interest of the PvEers.
Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
not against the idea, but here is my question. why do certain classes have to wait so far in the game to be able to buy thier upgrades when others get it right off the bat?
Originally Posted by Gs-Cyan Bloodbane
not against the idea, but here is my question. why do certain classes have to wait so far in the game to be able to buy thier upgrades when others get it right off the bat?
good point... it was a rough concept of specialization with max damage weapons later in game. And lesser damage weapons early... but it could be by weapon level as well... similar to armor crafters...
The reason for requiring customization is to prevent the inflation problem that happened with the Runes. Because the idiot inflators in the community would not be able to just buy out the crafter and resell them when they are sold out. Again as happened with the rune trader.
HOWEVER. I will say on the Rune Trader three key things.
1: It significantly reduced the spamming of the public chat channels for inflation traders.
2: Not all Runes are over priced as it was before, some runes are VERY VERY reasonable... We don't see Minor Runes going for thousands anymore, and there are bargains on majors from the trader too... some of the Majors are in fact Cheaper then some of the Minor Runes of the same class..
3: The rune traders have made a legitimate gold sink for the economy pulling gold OUT of the market, and not just moving it around from person to person, while continuing to add to the gold pool from farming. we finally have SOMETHING that's actually taking gold OUT of the game, not just adding to it.
The reason for requiring customization is to prevent the inflation problem that happened with the Runes. Because the idiot inflators in the community would not be able to just buy out the crafter and resell them when they are sold out. Again as happened with the rune trader.
HOWEVER. I will say on the Rune Trader three key things.
1: It significantly reduced the spamming of the public chat channels for inflation traders.
2: Not all Runes are over priced as it was before, some runes are VERY VERY reasonable... We don't see Minor Runes going for thousands anymore, and there are bargains on majors from the trader too... some of the Majors are in fact Cheaper then some of the Minor Runes of the same class..
3: The rune traders have made a legitimate gold sink for the economy pulling gold OUT of the market, and not just moving it around from person to person, while continuing to add to the gold pool from farming. we finally have SOMETHING that's actually taking gold OUT of the game, not just adding to it.
I personally think this is a very good idea.
Speaking of customized weapons, I never customize because 20% just doesn't seem like alot when you get farther in the game. However what about the option to pay more to have say a lvl 2 customized weapon that would add maybe an extra 10% dmg? Each higher lvl would add more dmg, but also cost more.
heh, I customize all the time. I've got a max dmg bow that does 33% more dmg from it's +13% all the time bonus and +20% customize. those few extra points can and have been the matter of life or death for my character. I've come out of quite a few fights with 6 or fewer hp left. I'd be dead without the extra 33%.
My solution would be to have weapon crafter in the PvP arenas that can basically upgrade your weapons with any items you have 'unlock' in PvP or PvE. Then you wouldn't need to carry the bow strings / store them.
Will have to wait for update to see how it works , but if you just 'unlock' though PvP and dont actually receive runes / upgrade parts it would make a simple ideal solution for both sides of the game. I may actually encourage a few PvE players to step into the arenas also.
off topic alittle but,
I would like them to have a player Kill / lose system per character also to help balance out PvP PuG's. One of the things that deters non PvP players from playing PvP is getting owned in the arena. Having a kill / lose record per character would mean that the arenas could set up PuG with similar skilled players. It would also mean you could just click enter arena and be place in a group with similar PvP experiance / fighting similar experianced groups. It would also mean you wouldn't have to select your PuG team, but could just jump in with a degree of certainty that it will be a 50/50 battle.
Will have to wait for update to see how it works , but if you just 'unlock' though PvP and dont actually receive runes / upgrade parts it would make a simple ideal solution for both sides of the game. I may actually encourage a few PvE players to step into the arenas also.
off topic alittle but,
I would like them to have a player Kill / lose system per character also to help balance out PvP PuG's. One of the things that deters non PvP players from playing PvP is getting owned in the arena. Having a kill / lose record per character would mean that the arenas could set up PuG with similar skilled players. It would also mean you could just click enter arena and be place in a group with similar PvP experiance / fighting similar experianced groups. It would also mean you wouldn't have to select your PuG team, but could just jump in with a degree of certainty that it will be a 50/50 battle.
Snipe Kan
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
good point... it was a rough concept of specialization with max damage weapons later in game. And lesser damage weapons early... but it could be by weapon level as well... similar to armor crafters...
The reason for requiring customization is to prevent the inflation problem that happened with the Runes. Because the idiot inflators in the community would not be able to just buy out the crafter and resell them when they are sold out. Again as happened with the rune trader. HOWEVER. I will say on the Rune Trader three key things. 1: It significantly reduced the spamming of the public chat channels for inflation traders. 2: Not all Runes are over priced as it was before, some runes are VERY VERY reasonable... We don't see Minor Runes going for thousands anymore, and there are bargains on majors from the trader too... some of the Majors are in fact Cheaper then some of the Minor Runes of the same class.. 3: The rune traders have made a legitimate gold sink for the economy pulling gold OUT of the market, and not just moving it around from person to person, while continuing to add to the gold pool from farming. we finally have SOMETHING that's actually taking gold OUT of the game, not just adding to it. Note the following table from a few days ago. I update it every few days for my guild. |

I was updating it every day or two, but our guild hit an administrative snag... I can PM you my excel sheet so you can use it though if you want it...
Originally Posted by Shadow_Avenger
My solution would be to have weapon crafter in the PvP arenas that can basically upgrade your weapons with any items you have 'unlock' in PvP or PvE. Then you wouldn't need to carry the bow strings / store them.
Will have to wait for update to see how it works , but if you just 'unlock' though PvP and dont actually receive runes / upgrade parts it would make a simple ideal solution for both sides of the game. I may actually encourage a few PvE players to step into the arenas also. off topic alittle but, I would like them to have a player Kill / lose system per character also to help balance out PvP PuG's. One of the things that deters non PvP players from playing PvP is getting owned in the arena. Having a kill / lose record per character would mean that the arenas could set up PuG with similar skilled players. It would also mean you could just click enter arena and be place in a group with similar PvP experiance / fighting similar experianced groups. It would also mean you wouldn't have to select your PuG team, but could just jump in with a degree of certainty that it will be a 50/50 battle. |
God's Will
Dude the little Value tag under the item is seriously low. 25 gold for a weapon mod? 78 gold for a magic max damage bow? i mean cmon if you quadruple the value price its about right...... maybee.
Rune prices dropped cause lazy people like me sold their ided runes to the trader instead of haggling the damn things. since their were people actually handling the things in mass(the traders) the prices dropped. I personally support the mod trader idea.
Rune prices dropped cause lazy people like me sold their ided runes to the trader instead of haggling the damn things. since their were people actually handling the things in mass(the traders) the prices dropped. I personally support the mod trader idea.
Although I have found a few people willing sell an object of whatever description at a fair price, in the main trading between real people sadly reflects life - in that most are out to rip you off.
As so few are willing to help build a sense of community and team-spirit, policing by use of NPC traders appears to be the only solution.
I occasionally sell runes or upgrades that are of no use to me to others who can actually use them at base cost, but more often than not I give them away. I can get enough gold for what I need with a little farming.
Now there's an idea. If I could just buy a bit of land outside Lion's Arch ...
WTS: peace, love and happiness - 0g
As so few are willing to help build a sense of community and team-spirit, policing by use of NPC traders appears to be the only solution.
I occasionally sell runes or upgrades that are of no use to me to others who can actually use them at base cost, but more often than not I give them away. I can get enough gold for what I need with a little farming.
Now there's an idea. If I could just buy a bit of land outside Lion's Arch ...
WTS: peace, love and happiness - 0g