i have some questions..


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

ok..well i didnt get to do any beta testing or anything but as soon as guild wars comes out me and a couple of friends are getting it right away..cuz i read alot and it looks awesome..ok anyway..here is my questions

-can u dye ur armor? (if not all characters of same profession will look similiar)

-with necro..how many minions can u have summoned at any 1 given moment?

-are rangers only ones that can use bow?

-do u find runes in the wild? (do monsters drop them?)

-can anyone make a guild? is there a lvl requrement to make a guild?

-is there a limit to the number of people that can be in ur guild? limit of people in a team?

-if ur in a team..can u all go pvp together? as a team

ok well i had some other questions earlier that i forget now lol but if i remember ill come bak and post them..thx


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by sk8er3577
ok..well i didnt get to do any beta testing or anything but as soon as guild wars comes out me and a couple of friends are getting it right away..cuz i read alot and it looks awesome..ok anyway..here is my questions

-can u dye ur armor? (if not all characters of same profession will look similiar)

-with necro..how many minions can u have summoned at any 1 given moment?

-are rangers only ones that can use bow?

-do u find runes in the wild? (do monsters drop them?)

-can anyone make a guild? is there a lvl requrement to make a guild?

-is there a limit to the number of people that can be in ur guild? limit of people in a team?

-if ur in a team..can u all go pvp together? as a team

ok well i had some other questions earlier that i forget now lol but if i remember ill come bak and post them..thx
you can dye your armor a bit but hope for improvement

necros no idea

anybody can use a bow at base stats rangers get marksmanship bonus accordint to attribute points aplied to....marksmanship

runes drop (monsters abandoned armor etc for other rares)

anybody can start guild for 100 gold no restrictions

100 to guild

8 per guild in gvg

up to 8 of the team at one time



Join Date: Mar 2005

The Joint :p

For what i can answer...

-Yes you can dye your armour.

-Haven't got a clue on the max number of minions, seen shots with armies of them.

-Any class can use any weapon, I believe. The difference is in effectiveness. A warrior using a bow might do 7 damage where a ranger will do 14 or more with the same bow. The ranger also has special bow attack and other skills to add 25 damage to that attack that the warrior doesn't have.

-Runes are salvaged from monster drops after you identify the dropped item. Most items don't have runes in them, but if it does you have to identify the item to unlock it, then you can use an expert salvage kit (I only used the expert one when I unlocked a rune.) to salvage the rune from the dropped item.

-Never made a guild so don't know, sorry.

-Sorry I don't PVP so don't know that one either although i know you can make teams of 8 once you get to the tombs. You can invite anyone and that's PVP I believe not GVG. (Corrections welcome and invited )


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

ok now does anyone else know how many minions can be summoned at a time?? lol cuz thats helping me decide on my classes to choose..but i need this answer first..if its only like 1-2 i dont think i would want it...also thanx for answering my other questions ^_^



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

  1. Yes, but not completely at the moment.
  2. As many as you can, but they slowly degenerate health over time. The longer they have been alive, the faster the degenerate.
  3. No, anyone can use a bow, it's just that Ranger's have a skill line tied to bows. If you want to use the best bows out there, then you'd need points in Marksmanship.
  4. Runes can be salvaged from armours using an Expert Salvage Kit (higher end merchants will sell them).
  5. Anyone can make a guild. As I understand it there are 2 methods of forming a guild, win a Sigel playing PvP Tombs(?) or just create a guild with cold hard cash (both of which, you'd need to speak to the Guild Registrar).
  6. Currently the guild limit is at a hundred, and teams are currently limited to 8 players (they're trying to encourage squad based tactics).
  7. Yes.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by sk8er3577
ok now does anyone else know how many minions can be summoned at a time?? lol cuz thats helping me decide on my classes to choose..but i need this answer first..if its only like 1-2 i dont think i would want it...also thanx for answering my other questions ^_^
in one video it looks like a ring of bone horrors pops up around the necro (at least 5-6 i think)
(that is the *im to sexie* video


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

ok thanx for all the help guys....and i got one other question that is ur opinion...

-do u think a necro/archer would be good?? cuz they way i see it..u could summon some minions..cast some spells that degenerate enemy health..and use a bow at long range so u dont get hurt...cuz the monsters would attack ur minions if they are closer i guess..idk thats the way i think of it


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

the ranger as a secondary profession might be feasable plus you could have a ranger pet as well


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

oh yea lol i forgot all about that..well yea then ill prly try that out for my first character..if it dont work ill find something else i guess


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by sk8er3577
oh yea lol i forgot all about that..well yea then ill prly try that out for my first character..if it dont work ill find something else i guess
you have 4 slots to fill

try something and if it doesnt work for you try something else until you are having fun and not getting killed all the time


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

wait..i have one more question lol

-how does the whole skill picking thing work?? is there only certain skills u can pick int he beginning?? if so, then how can u unluck the ability to use the other skills?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

you get skill points as you go long and can spend them(with some gold) at skill trainers

unless they take them out a signet of capture will let you capture a skill from a boss

most skills should be available from trainers

you can use any primary or secondary skill


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Loviatar
you get skill points as you go long and can spend them(with some gold) at skill trainers

unless they take them out a signet of capture will let you capture a skill from a boss

most skills should be available from trainers

you can use any primary or secondary skill
how do u 'capture' a skill from a boss? do u just kill it?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by sk8er3577
how do u 'capture' a skill from a boss? do u just kill it?
you purchase the SOC with a skill point and some gold and put it in your skill bar

Use Signet of Capture on a Boss who has just used a skill that you want to learn. Signet of Capture is permanently replaced with that skill. (You can only learn skills of your professions.)



Join Date: Mar 2005

The Joint :p

Last I knew there is a "skill capture" signet you use. However the skill you capture, again as I remember it, has to be one you can use. Sorry I was gonna use it a few times but realized I didn't need to. Anyway this is kinda detailed thinking you might wanna go to the home page www.guildwarsguru.com and look at some of the articles. You'll likely get more help from reading them.

*Edit* Loviatar I didn't see you in the "people reading this." Sorry.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Does that mean that you have to go and buy another signet of capture after you successfully capture a skill?

- Iczer


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by iczer
Does that mean that you have to go and buy another signet of capture after you successfully capture a skill?

- Iczer
yes as it is used up each time


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

ok well thanx everyone..thats pretty much all my questions for now..thanx for all ur help and answers..and i hope to see/play with u in guild wars when it comes out



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

ok..well i didnt get to do any beta testing or anything but as soon as guild wars comes out me and a couple of friends are getting it right away..cuz i read alot and it looks awesome..ok anyway..here is my questions

-can u dye ur armor? (if not all characters of same profession will look similiar)

Yes. But some armours are affected in greater ways than others. Some types of armour only have their trim dyed when you apply dye but others do most of the piece. For instance, the Hunter's Armour chest isn't really worth dying.

Right now, you can mix up to 4 different dyes to produce truley unique colors.

-with necro..how many minions can u have summoned at any 1 given moment?

If I remember correctly, there is no limit, but the more you have, the higher their health degeneration rate is so it's harder to keep them alive. (you must summon them from a corpse anyway. they are a desposable resource.)

-are rangers only ones that can use bow?

Yes. Just as warriors are the only ones that can use swords, axes, and hammers, monks are the only ones that can use smiting rods and healing ankhs, elementalists are the only ones that can use arcane staves, and so on.

-do u find runes in the wild? (do monsters drop them?)

Runes boost your attribute when you put them in your armour (for a cost of health to balance it out). Monsters don't just drop runes though. They drop things that may yield runes when you use an expert salvage kit on em. Try slaughtering Hill Giants at Riverside for a while and then salvaging their item drops. That should find you some nifty runes.

-can anyone make a guild? is there a lvl requrement to make a guild?

Anyone can make a guild. There is level requirement but it is fairly costly. And if you compete without having the best equipment and having reached the level cap of 20 you'll probably get stomped.

-is there a limit to the number of people that can be in ur guild? limit of people in a team?

100 people in a guild.
8 people to a team.

-if ur in a team..can u all go pvp together? as a team

Well... That would be the point of being in the team. You form a party of a maximum of 8 people and enter into a battle.

ok well i had some other questions earlier that i forget now lol but if i remember ill come bak and post them..thx


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
-are rangers only ones that can use bow?

Yes. Just as warriors are the only ones that can use swords, axes, and hammers, monks are the only ones that can use smiting rods and healing ankhs, elementalists are the only ones that can use arcane staves, and so on.
i thought anybody could use a bow at its base damage level

and i know my ele was swinging a mighty nice hammer at early levels


also the combat video shows an elementalist swinging a hammer



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

In my house in America

Knights of the Fell Republic, (KOFR)


Originally Posted by Loviatar
i thought anybody could use a bow at its base damage level

and i know my ele was swinging a mighty nice hammer at early levels


also the combat video shows an elementalist swinging a hammer
You're correct, Loviatar. I think that Weezer may have meant that you can only get better with weapons that are specific to your professions.