1. The opening quest, fortress, has been gettings stuck at 5 groups to kill. Our guild normally zones in, pulls the mobs to the S, then the mobs to the N. We clear to the point where the NPC usually runs to. Then we kill around the fortress. At that point we speak to the NPC to gain the quest, spawning the boss which we will. What has changed is that the NPC has stopped running up to the point which he normally does. Instead, all the mobs around the fortress despawn, and the NPC stays put even when you click the quest. That makes it impossible for you to kill those 5 groups, as well as cause the boss to spawn as the NPC isn't close enough to open the gate.
2. The weaponmaster quest can easily be "bugged." If you take any other quest at the same time, it will become bugged. If you kill the mobs on the road between the weaponmaster and the temple of war, you potentially can bug the quest.
Has anyone else experienced these problems, and do you have any work-arounds to get them to work? Or perhaps these are intended?
A response would be great