im looking for a Air Artifact that is +12 Energy with either a additional Energy Bonus or a Health Bonus
If you have one post here or send me a PM with itme info and asking price
WTB Air Artifact +12 energy
I have a gold one that is low req i think its 6.
+10 energy
+8 armor
SN is Orderless Maximus I will be online in a couple hours.
+10 energy
+8 armor
SN is Orderless Maximus I will be online in a couple hours.
thanks for the info. Im really lookin for helath increase to help offset the Superior Runes i have on me
Got an artifact that gives +34 health while enchanted and it has 12 energy
Message Tengar Nightbringer if interested.
Message Tengar Nightbringer if interested.
closed... And thanks Tengar