I havent played guild wars yet but i will be on this, the last bwe. just one question. My mate says u can only get amour in sets, is this true? or will u be able to get individual pieces of amour at random and equip them?
your mate is wrong. you can craft any piece of armor from any set you want, as long as it is available to your primary profession. you can mix and match to your heart's content. so far there are headpieces/helmets, chest pieces, arm pieces/gloves, pants, and shoes/boots.
getting individual pieces at random is not recommended.
getting individual pieces at random is not recommended.
individual pieces
mix and match as you want
mix and match as you want

Fenix Swiftblade
You can craft which ever peice of armor you want to within your primary profession. You need the materials and gold, but you can craft the individual peices and mix and match between the sets. A lot of times the whole set (besides the headgear) is what you're looking for, but you may want some of one type or bonus and some of another. (All the peices in a set at the same level have virtually the same bonus)
EDIT: wow, I took so long in writing this post that three people got in ahead of me... when I started writing the thread was empty...
EDIT: wow, I took so long in writing this post that three people got in ahead of me... when I started writing the thread was empty...
so will there be more coming out and will thre be more areas to amouryourself?
Originally Posted by Cyris
so will there be more coming out and will thre be more areas to amouryourself?
kk ty for ur info!
looking forward to bwe
oh yeah just one more question.
is the map big compared to, say, world of warcraft?
looking forward to bwe
oh yeah just one more question.
is the map big compared to, say, world of warcraft?
Originally Posted by Cyris
kk ty for ur info!
looking forward to bwe oh yeah just one more question. is the map big? |

Originally Posted by Cyris
I havent played guild wars yet but i will be on this, the last bwe. just one question. My mate says u can only get amour in sets, is this true? or will u be able to get individual pieces of amour at random and equip them?
TY |
There are sets of armour, like "Druid's Armour", "Hydromancer's Armour", "Necrotic Armour", "Traveller's Armour", and so on, but you buy the pieces of them individually from crafters located in certain outposts. I prefer having the full set because some sets clash badly with each other, but there is no restriction. You could take Druid's Gloves, Hunter's Leggings, A Drakescale Chest, Studded Leather Boots, and a Hunter's Mask and look hideous but not necissarily less effective.
As you should have figured out by now, you pick a primary and secondary class. The two important things about your primary class are your primary attribute, and what type of armour you wear (and your looks as a third). You only get the "primary attribute" of your primary class, and you can only wear armour of your primary class. You can, however, use skills from both of them. And I mean all of em. Not like excluding elites or anything rediculous like that.